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lighthouse (Peggy's Cove, east coast Canada).
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Car Flip

I have a praise report to share. I was on my way to work on Friday Morning early, I was in bumper to bumper traffic, only able to go about 2 -3 miles per hours, just inching really. All of a sudden a car came from a stop sign to my left very abruptly, guess he thought he could cut into traffic. This car was a Nissan Maxima (small) – suddenly a Chevrolet Yukon (huge) came from the opposite direction and “BAM!” Hit the smaller car sooo hard – it flipped in the air several times. As I sat there, watching this car flip in the air, I thought, “It’s going to land right on top of me!”

It was coming right towards me. I closed my eyes, I didn’t even have time to pray, I just said “Jesus.” I heard this small car hit the ground, what a terrible noise! I’ll never forget. But guess what? It didn’t hit me! Missed me by mere inches! Then, the large Yukon just missed me again by an inch or so and ended up “nose first” in a very deep ditch alongside! E the road! I praise the Lord for protecting me. I had just been praying when this all happened! He really does look after us when we ask him! Keep the other people involved in your prayers, I called 911 emergency from my cell phone and they sent emergency people, but I’m not sure of their conditions.

Penny (Received on Monday November 19, 2001)