Praise God for His goodness and His mercy which endureth forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hi there, all the way from the Netherlands,
I want to share with you the wonderful things Jesus did for us. I want to do this because I want to lift up His Name in gratitude and love. You see, there was no hope for my little son (Floris Christian) but the Lord touched him and made him whole beyond anyone can imagine. Let me please tell my story (although English is not my language and I speak Dutch, I trust the Holy Spirit to help me with your language.) Our little son had been declared autistic, retarded, and psychologists told me he could not have any future, they told us this about 8 years ago. So, we mourned and cried and begged Jesus. He heard our cries.
One day I was weeding in my garden, and noticed that a poppybud was cut off. I love poppies! So, I felt very sad. I heard His voice say: this broken little bud is your son! Started to cry, and could not stop sobbing. Then Jesus voice came again and He said: so, take the bud and put it into my living water, and it will grow out to be a wonderful poppy, red and more red, bigger and bigger. I thought I was mad of grief, and it was all in my mind so I did not pick up the completely dried-out bud in order to place it into a bowl of water. However, the next day, He spoke again, and again, I thought I had been under too much pressure and grief and that the voice had been my inner wish. But the third day I was in the garden the voice had changed, He sounded louder and more real than ever when He said: this is your son, put him into living water that I will pour out.
I took it literally and rushed to pick up the bud and placed it into a bowl of water. I told my husband about my experiences, and he laughed and said: don’t you see how completely dried out this bud is? But if your God tells you so, go ahead but fat chance this will work out!
The died bud started to live and grew bigger each day, and each day I rejoiced more and more about this. We named our son Floris Christian by birth (which means florishing Christian) and today I can say, he is, indeed a loving caring Christian who cares about others, he went to high school in august! Floris has a testimony as well, he says: everyday the Lord Jesus is with me! He is a scout and is an enthusiastic member of bible-study. We are often moved by him, you see sometimes he says these wonderful things!
Like: I am going to preach the Lord Jesus when I grow up. Because there is no other hope or helper than Jesus Who touched me! He is 12 years now, and a joy to many.
Thanks be to Jesus! Thank you Jesus! Once declared autistic and now comforting others, playing with others, embracing others. Really, there is nothing impossible for Jesus.
Desiree-Marie (Received on November 4, 2000)