Johanna Welborn had serious cancer of the colon but that was removed as planned. During the test and operation, a cancerous lesion was found on her spine. The doctor could not remove this because of the extent. Here is an answer to prayer:
Johanna Wellborn gave her healing testimony in church two weeks ago. Her doctor said that there was no cancer cells in her body after telling her a week earlier that she had extensive bone cancer with no hope.
He saw a miracle and we did also. Johanna walked into church on Sunday May 14th and she was radiant with a smile that was as broad as a rainbow. She told us what the doctor said and gave thanks for all of the prayers that changed her terminal condition. She sang in the choir that same morning and this past Sunday as well. God is so good. What an encouragement to us all.
Thanks for being a prayer partner.
Please add “Lewis Rogers” to our prayer list. Lewis is 40 years old and prayed to accept Christ in his life last night in his hotel room. He had a heart filled with bitterness and rebellion but has yielded and repented. He told me this morning that he feels clean and that for the first time in his life he believes with his heart. I thank God for allowing me to share the gospel with Lewis.
Lewis will be going home to SC on Friday for a few days of vacation and he said he would tell his mother and girl friend what happened to him last night. Pray that Lewis will remain strong.
Frank (Received on Thursday May 25, 2000)