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lighthouse (Peggy's Cove, east coast Canada).
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Blessed Example

Here is a little bit of my testimony that I felt that God wanted me to share with your readers. I have been struggling for quite sometime because of an illness that I have. I am in constant pain. There are days I just want to stay in bed and not get up. I was upset, I was angry, I didn’t think I would survive, I just wanted to give up. Then one day God showed me, my two beautiful children and a blessed by God husband that I have been given. That life doesn’t revolve around me and my illness. My life revolves around God, my husband and then my children. Exactly in that order.

When I started focusing more on God, my husband and then my children things seemed to start to turn around…but that wasn’t all. One day I was reading various things on this website and saw where someone was struggling with past things in their life. I realized that there were things in my life that I haven’t dealt with yet. Rob from Answers2prayer started sending me steps that I must take in my life…not just simple steps but steps that were heart, mind and soul changing. Steps that I knew all along that I would have to take to make a difference in me. No one else can change me and no else can save me and surely no one else can heal me. God is the one who has changed me, God is the one who has saved me from me.

I have a different outlook on my illness now. God controls this illness, not me. I don’t give satan credit for my problems or illness. There isn’t time to give satan credit in my life. I have time to give God all the credit and glory for everything in my life now, yes even my illness. This body is but a vessel for my spirit to live in until I can go and be with the Father. That doesn’t mean that God won’t heal me and that I don’t believe that I won’t be healed, but God has a plan and I am so greatful that I am a part of that plan. You see not everyone can have a perfect body and not everyone will be healed. So, if I am not healed I am a blessed example that God is using, and if I am healed, well I will be a blessed example as well. And when that time comes it will be a glorious time for me either way in death or in healing during this life.

I give God all glory and praise for the life I have been given. I just want to thank Answers2prayer, especially Rob for helping me and allowing God to work through him so that I may see clearly. God bless,

Debbie (Received on Thursday May 9, 2002)