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lighthouse (Peggy's Cove, east coast Canada).
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Boxes of Food

Dear Saints,

I read the praise report from the saint whose money had been stolen and whose family was out of food. Her best friend sent an unexpected $500, and others gave food. I want to share what once happened to me and my sons, just a few months after my husband of 14 years left us for my sister. It was without doubt the darkest hours my children and I have ever had to face.

All our bills were behind, our vehicle wouldn’t run, I was on medical leave because I had been injured and wasn’t able to work, my ex-husband was paying NO child support at all. To top it off, he had broken into our home and taken our food! He was in the process of taking other things as well when a protective order was served, and he was forced to leave.

However, the police couldn’t make him put anything back that he had taken from the house, including our food, because he was still technically a resident and legally my husband! We had no food, and I had no money. And no idea of where more was going to come from. My sons and I prayed and prayed, just asked God to take care of us somehow. One cold afternoon, I was gone from home. When I returned, my youngest son met me at the door with wide eyes.

He said, “Mama, just a few minutes ago, someone knocked at the door. I thought it was you out in the cold, so I ran to open it. It only took me a few seconds to get the door open. When I opened it, there was no one there, and no one anywhere around….but, LOOK!!!! Somebody left us all these boxes of food!!” And truly, there were many boxes of food–enough to feed us for several weeks!

There is just no way that any one person could have delivered all those boxes and then disappeared so quickly. It would be humanly impossible. I called all my neighbors and questioned them, but no one knew anything about it. My sons and I will always believe that an angel of the Lord delivered that food to us, just when we needed it most. We even had enough to share with others! I praise Him for His goodness and mercy!

Linda Ray (Received on Saturday December 25, 2000)