For those who:
- Needs encouragement
- Have prayer requests
- Desire to get closer to God.
- Desire for prayer association for your ministry

lighthouse (Peggy's Cove, east coast Canada).
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Drug Addiction

In the midst of all this praying I forgot to share something wonderful. Billy my brother, whom you all prayed for concerning drug and alcohol abuse is now healed by the Blood of Jesus and serving the Lord with Boldness. He visited me several weeks ago and the change I saw in him was profound to say the least. His face seemed to be filled with the Glory of God. Billy told me that God was calling him to clean up his house (his earthly body by putting away all forms of habits that were not pleasing to God which included alcohol, drugs and even smoking.

Billy is now serving as a Volunteer and Evangelist in Birmingham’s Salvation Army where he was offered a job opportunity after he had fasted for God’s direction. Prayer really changes things and people too! Also, my younger brother Jimmy seems to have made a decision to move on with his wife, who left him and his two (2) small children. You all prayed for him as well. He seems to be coming out of his depression and is coping with being both a mother and father like a true champion. Finally, if any of you get the opportunity to rent or purchase “The Champion” starring Carmen – please spread the word – this was the absolute best Christian movie I have ever seen. It’s out on video and well worth the look. We must support Christian movies as they are so few. God Bless you all. Marilyn

Marilyn Ford (Received on July 19, 2001)