Hello to all my Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I just want to take the time to share with you what the LORD has done for us! As most of you know, (and have been praying about — THANKS!) One of our main concerns was for us to find a way to get our daughter some eye glasses very soon. We do not have any vision insurance and we have been very ‘financially challenged’ this year.
Well, to make a long story much shorter — today as I went in my daughter’s classroom to pick her up from school, her teacher asked me to come in and she said Santa had left a letter for me in her class. She handed me an envelope and in it was a gift certificate for a FREE eye exam, courtesy of her teachers and another one for a FREE pair of glasses, courtesy of the school! All I have to do now is make my baby an appointment!! PRAISE GOD! HE IS SO GOOD! I never thought in a million years that this would happen, especially since the school is a public one! However, we have truly been blessed at that school! It is full of caring people and students! There are MANY fellow Christians there as well! I cried and both of Ciara’s teachers cried too. It was kind of funny because all of the class was wondering why we were all crying! LOL! LOL!
I have not stopped praising HIS name all day! ~What is so magnificent about it all is, I JUST finished reading the Prayer Of Jabez for the 2nd time a couple weeks ago! I have tried to faithfully say that prayer every single morning since then. One thing it says to do is buy a journal to record your blessings because they will surely be pouring in so fast that you can’t keep up with them, SOOOO, I need to go buy one! Things have truly begun to happen and I haven’t gotten around to buying one yet! I cannot express the importance of this prayer! If you have never read that book, please try to make a point to read it — you can even check it out at the library if you cannot afford to buy it! It will make a difference in your life! An amazing difference! Thanks for saying those prayers for my family! Things are slowly looking up and the great thing is, my husband is seeing right before his eyes just what GOD can do! He knows about me reading that book and I think this is so awesome that he gets to actually ‘SEE’ the blessings as they pour in! He is becoming a bit more ‘aware’ of things! Please keep him in your prayers, especially over the holidays! Thanks again and GOD BLESS you each one!
Princeboaz@aol.com (Received on Wednesday December 26, 2001)