Spirit rained Bountiful His Salvation Mercy & Healings. Hallelujah! Many, many thousands of people came forth to receive Jesus as their Personal Savior…& Many many healings & Miracles….Deaf & dumb could hear & speak, Blind eyes were opened, the Paralyzed were able to walk & many, many sicknesses were Healed in the Mighty Name of Jesus….The last Meeting in Soubre’, 2,400 people received Salvation & are now in the Lambs Book of Life, & over 70 people came forth to give testimony of the Healings they received during the Prayers for the sick….Oh what a Mighty God we Serve!!! Thanks again for your Faithfulness to Pray, as you can see from the little I shared, they have been answered….And just think you were apart of the Blessings…Hallelujah!!! Will end for now, will not go on the next Crusade, will stay back with Akeem & do alot of Home schooling, it is hard to do when out on the Field….Look forward to hearing from you.
God’s Blessings,
Rosemary GodsHaven7@aol.com (Received on Tuesday February 29, 2000)