Janet Sue had terrible pain on the left side of her body, especially around the area where her heart is located.
“Thank you for prayers for myself. I haven’t had any more attacks of pain in my chest or on the right side of my body. Last Sunday, I asked the pastor & elders of our church to anoint and pray for me and immediately, the uneasiness in my body left. The pain had left before that; but, there was an uneasiness in these areas where I had experienced pain. Praise the Lord – it is all gone! God is so wonderful and AWESOME and so worthy of our PRAISES! Thank you sweet Lord!
I have asked the Holy Spirit to lead me in the way I should go in taking care of my body and so far, I have been lead to walk, walk, walk and drink lots of water. I have given up regular soda pop and I have hidden my salt shaker. I feel so much lighter since everyone started praying for me and I am starting to lose weight. I am planning on going to the doctor this month for a checkup. I want to “thank all of you” for praying for me – I KNOW THERE IS POWER IN PRAYER!”
Janet Sue – Ohio yocproffitt1@webtv.net (Received on November 9th, 1999)