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lighthouse (Peggy's Cove, east coast Canada).
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Problems With a Wedding

“Dear Robert, Greetings in Jesus’ name. I am happy to report to you that indeed, prayer never fails and that God always comes through no matter how bleak the outlook. The outlook is always bright. Lyle said the Lord gave him a cost factor for the wedding and told him not to worry, He will take care of everything.

Bro Robert, when you are convicted that the Lord has told you something, don’t look at anything else. We offered Lyle a solution when it became obvious that he was not going to get the suits to come home and time was running out. He said he would pray about it. That was after that depressing e-mail I forwarded to you when his time ran out. He told me, forget it. He said that will not bring glory to God so he is not accepting that solution. So, he revived his faith and decided to come to Trinidad without the suits. He was right. God’s solution was in Trinidad.

Lyle held out to the end and God vindicated his faith. Everything that they needed was provided at a fraction of the cost they were going to pay in the States. God’s stipulated amount was therefore not exceeded.

Not only that, rain fell for 3 full days before the wedding so much so that alternative plans were made for the pictures and reception. But Lyle and his best man believed there was not going to be any rain on the 15th because that was God’s chosen day. On that morning the sun rose usual time and held out for the day. Only a shower or two at appropriate times to indicate God’s presence, The wedding was very beautiful and everyone had an enjoyable time. The faith of all concerned was strengthened and God was magnified in the eyes of His children.

Thank you for your prayers and I will never doubt God’s promises again, by His grace. As the song says, He always comes through and He will do it again. Let the prayer warriors know that everything went well and they have no need to fear that God will ignore any sincere request. He always comes throoough. The conditions met, the answer is unequivocal. Thanks again a whole lot. Maranata.”

“I want to thank you a whole lot and the prayer warriors for your prayers. It helped perform the miracle that took place on Wednesday, I forgot to mention the miracle of water. We had no water for 2 days prior to the wedding and none on the wedding day.

When it was time to get ready, and our tank ran dry, my sister called the Water Authority (WASA) and told them we had an emergency, the reason and location. They turned on the water

shortly after. They had closed the plant because of the tremendous amount of rain which caused the rivers to be dirty and they did not know when they were going to turn it on. The water was still very dirty when we called, but they turned it on nevertheless.

The miracle is that folks just before our village had the same problem and WASA got numerous calls from them and WASA told them they will have to purchase truck born water and did not turn on the water for them until two days after. This was a strong indication to us that was a wedding in Cana. God was indeed here.” Erica “From the way everyone made it sound, you would think that God is powerless without a couple of dollars…from the very onset of this experience God assured me that everything would be all rigt. It was his aim to strengthen my faith by having me wait a couple of days for the unfolding of his plan…

God doesn’t operate half way…there’s not a single time in the Bible where a customer wasn’t completely satisfied with God’s service. Especially with the upcoming time of trials and hardships predicted in the Bible, we as Christians need to be confident that prayer is more valuable and reliable than money. Thank you for you prayers…

in my opinion the wedding was PERFECT! The weather was great. The clothing was great. The food was great. The music was great. And everyone (who participated) was in perfect health to share in our happy occasion. This is what God is will to do for anyone who puts their trust in him. Thanks again for your prays – they took us farther than your money ever could.”

Lyle (Send on Sunday December 19th, 1999)