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Trouble at the Car Wash

I went to the car wash early one morning. My husband leaves for work before 6am. I always stay up. So I decided to go and wash my car! I live in a very small town { 400 or so people} As I pulled in. I saw 2 young boys on bicycles messing with the change box where you put your quarters to wash your car.

When I first saw them I had a very strange feeling. Like bells and whistles going off in my spirit! I just drove on in and started saying to myself. Lord God. I know you know what’s going on..{.And started locking my doors!} Those boys came right up to my windows and leaning into my car as to scare me! They started circling the car wash. Trying to intimidate me! I also had just had surgery. And was very, very weak! I called on the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. And said to my self…Ephesians 3:20…Which says….NOW…Unto Him who is ABLE to do exceeding abundantly ABOVE ALL that we ask or THINK, According to the power that worketh in us.

I got out of my car put the money in the little box. And right then before my eyes. Who pulls into the next space to wash his car. Was the police Chief himself!! Wow!! What an awesome God!! I was in trouble. I knew those boys were thinking about hurting me! Satan knew I was at my weakest. But if God be for us who can be against us! No weapon formed against us will prosper. And when we are weak. He is strong!

I went to Church a few nights later and the speaker who was there said these words. Just because you live in a little town does not mean no crimes will happen! It was just something he said in his sermon. I am so thankful we have a God who loves us. God will do for us not only more then we ask and desire in prayer, But also even more than our imagination can perceive. This promise is conditioned and dependent upon the degree of the Holy Spirit’s presence, power, and grace operating in our life. Thank You Lord.

Jesus is the same Yesterday, Today. And Forever.

Rebecca Young-Dennis (Received on January 10, 2001)