Would anyone like to share with me how they found Jesus? I believe this will help me know how to be a better witness.
It was a nice spring day in March, 1980, and I was attending college. A friend appeared at my door, in which I have not seen her in over 10 years. She told me about a wonderful man she met last night and had to share it with me.
Before she was finished telling me about Jesus, I gave my heart to HIM. But it has taken a faith walk of over 24 years before I saw the working powers and finally did acknowledge He was my Lord and Savior.
Twenty-eight years later, God has placed a ministry on my heart to become a minister in a Hospice environment. So now I have my nose full of highlighter as I try to memorize the Bible and pray each minute and hour of the day.
But the best part I now call God ABBA, and Jesus my brother and friend.
Sue Ramsey
First I would like to point out that I did not find Jesus, but He found me. I know that sounds a little like I am finding fault with the question, but really that is not the case.
You see the scripture teaches us that we cannot come to Christ unless the father draws them to Himself.
John 6:44 “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.”
John 12:32 “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all [men] unto me.”
I will not go into my entire story for it is too long for this particular place, but if you would like you may go to http://www.sermonillustrator.org and find my story “Daddy was a drunk” and there will much of my testimony.
As for this question I would say that Christ found me as a small boy when my grandmother prophesied with her hand on my head that I would preach the gospel one day, I guess I was about four years old and have no memory of it, but was told by my mother after I had been preaching for a number of years.
From age four, if that was my age, I had many instances of being under conviction of sin. I attended church occasionally as a child, we attended regularly for about three years and then the devil got a toe in the church and the flock was scattered, my mother was one of those that did not go to church anyplace after that. Of course as a child that was great with me for every time I attended I was reminded of a heaven to gain and a hell to shun. It is a sorry state of affairs that we hear very little about that in this “modern” day in which we live.
At any rate I continued sinning and yet deep down I was afraid of dying and knew I would go to hell. During my teen years I dated a couple of young ladies that were required to bring their dates to church or they could not go out with them. It seemed as if every place I turned someone was warning me about hell and urging me to turn to God. I really wanted to do just that but I had a greater desire for sin than God.
Eventually I met and married my first wife that is now in heaven with our Lord and after our first child was born I began to think about heaven and hell and as a cover for my own need, I told my wife that we needed to find a good church so our son could be taught about Jesus. We both agreed that we were not going to become Christians, but we both thought I had arrived at a wise decision.
At this point I am reminded of the old hymn, “It’s Me O Lord Standing In The Need Of Prayer,” for beloved it was I that needed to come to Christ Jesus.
Then came that faithful day when I arose and told my wife we were going to church. After dressing and being ready to depart, it came to mind that the only church in our town that I had any connection with was one where I had been drunk the last time I attended and shame kept me from going there. I thought of an uncle that was a Christian and lived near me and so we went with he and my aunt to their church.
They had just hired a new pastor from over in east Tennessee and he was another of those fire and brimstone preacher, no not the kind that yelled and stomped around but one that studied the scripture and preached it as directly as I had ever heard. As a matter of fact I thought my uncle must have called and told him I was coming for he preached just to me!! There were over three hundred folk there that morning and yet it was to me and me alone that he seemed to speak. Later I learned about the Holy Spirit and knew that He was the one that was speaking to my heart.
The invitation was given and if the pew in front of me had not been bolted to the floor I would have gone to the altar and probably dragged the pew with me, but I managed to escape the altar call that morning.
But the conviction was so strong that I went back to the evening service (I hope those of you that have stopped evening worship will take note of that last statement) and that night with a heavy heart and no where to turn the Holy Ghost of God arrested my soul and my wife’s and we went forward hand in hand and received Christ as our Saviour. One year later I was preaching.
So you can see how I did not find Jesus He found me. In fact He drew me to Himself for many years before I allowed Him to save me.
James Avery
I was 17 and having a rough time with family life (all non-believers) and I was still in school which amazed me as everyone I knew was dropping out. Anyway my best friend committed suicide and I was left shattered. We had a new chaplain at our school and he came and talked to me and didn’t say anything about religion as it wasn’t his job but he asked me to go to their youth group on Friday afternoons. So I went along and got talking to the chaplain (who is the pastor of my church) and his wife and they asked if I would like to come to church. I was thinking to myself NO WAY but then on Sunday morning I was getting dressed and heading up to the church!! We went to a Christian youth camp and we had a top preacher there and he prayed for me and I felt moved. So moved that I broke down. And now I’ve been going ever since and I know that this situation saved me.
Ashley Hardwick
Well, I don’t think I found Him, it’s more like He found me…
I was around 5 year old when I felt His presence for the first time. My father had made me sleep in the extra room where it was dark and filled with junk. I cried and finally he let my mom come and sleep with me. We prayed the “Our Father” and suddenly I knew he was in the room and we would be all right.
From then on I knew Jesus would take care of me always, but as I grew older life got in the way and I failed to pray. The longer I strayed, the more the guilt.
I was raised Catholic, unfortunately, most of the people in Cuba, where I was born and raised, are Catholics and also practice Santeria. Somehow I never really believed in praying to “Saints”. When I was fifteen and now in the USA, my mother went to a SĂ©ance. The lady described me to my mom and told her God has chosen me to serve Him, but that I needed to become a Medium or He would never heal me of Diabetes and I would never marry.
My mom came home hysterical crying trying to convince me to at least meet the lady. I promised her no matter what, whether I became a Old Maid or died of the condition that was slowly killing me, I would NEVER, NEVER, become one of of them. She cried for days, but I believe it was the Lord who kept me strong.
I married when I was 21 years old, a young lady where I worked also practiced some kind of Cult and one day she told me the Saints had told her while she was worshiping in the cemetery, that they were angry with me because I had not prayed. But somehow I couldn’t get into it, and the fear went away.
My son was around 3 when I saw a neighbor coming out of her house with her two sons, each carrying a black Bible. I thought for sure they were Jehovah’s Witness, so I smiled, waved, and rushed. Anne kept calling me and caught up with me as I walked towards my house and told me she was going to the Catholic church for a Bible Study. She also told me Jesus could heal me and asked me if she could come and tell me more about Him.
Against my better judgment I invited her to come the following Tuesday. She showed up with a beautiful hard-covered Golden Bible, the leaves were thin, but soft, and the edges were also golden. But I was petrified of Bibles, and when she offered it to me I did not want to accept it, however, I convinced myself I would only read it as a book.
I did just that, but it was also exciting to me. One of the stories was about a woman named Hannah and how God heard the cry of her heart and He blessed her with a son, whom she then dedicated back to Him. This reminded me of the movie “Roots”, where Kunta-Kinte’s father had offered his little new born son to the gods… that was my favorite part about the entire series. After five weeks of reading, considering the Love of Jesus, and having Anne pray for me and explain about being Born-Again, I finally accepted Jesus and became His child; not a Santera, not into religion, but His child. 🙂
The day I made that decision I also shared Christ with my 3 1/2 year old son, and dedicated him to God (with his permission I lifted him up to God). I also told my mom and told her that if she wanted to become His child she needed to get rid of all her alters and man-made things she was used to prayed to. She repeated the same prayer I had prayed, hung up the phone and destroyed all her alters, not only that, but she took all her 18K jewellery and threw it down the incinerator so it would be burned and no one would take it and be cursed with it.
My son is now 30 years old and serving Christ, my mom is now resting in the arms of Jesus. As far as healing of the Diabetes… Well, I have been a Diabetic for 41 years. All my eye doctors question me because there’s is no bleeding in the back of my eyes. They are extremely dry, and I did have to have Cataract surgery, but I’ve had none of the prophesied complications. My Endocrinologist always kits with me because my circulation is better than most non-Diabetics.
Christ has kept me healthy to glorify His Name, this alone is a testimony to others. Life hasn’t been perfect though, my husband is still not a Christian, but the Bible tells me that when we believe in Him, we and our families will be saved. His Word is sharper than any two-edged-sword that cuts through bone and marrow, and spirit and soul, and is a discerner of our thoughts.
If there is one thing I know, is that my husband will receive Christ
Nancy Reindl
For years I tried to become a Methodist, Episcopalian, Baptist, Catholic, and Assembly of God. I was searching to know this Jesus that everyone told me to believe in. But how could I believe in when He is invisible?
One day I bought a Bible, and out of curiosity I started reading it and 30 years later, I found Jesus! Now I walk and talk to him daily.
I found out that when I profess with my mouth calling out to Jesus, He is there right beside me, and I can feel his arms around me wrapping me tight in His love.
I come from a Hindu background. When I was studying for my degree in India, I happened to take part in a ‘youth camp’ held by the local church. At first I didn’t know what was taking place in that camp because every verse that was preached on that day was quite new to me and till that time I was thinking there is only one God and that there is no such thing as Christianity.
I was first touched by the Holy Spirit in that place and slowly but gradually I began thinking about whatever I heard. I have to admit that at first I was so reluctant to even go to the church after the camp, even when one of my seniors in college invited me.
After months of confusion and failure in my life I finally decided that I got to go to that particular church (My church at present-Emmanuel Worship Home). It was hard for me to leave behind my old ways and faith specially when I knew that nobody in my family will accept me when they come to know that I had accepted Christ in my life.
It was a tough decision to make and I finally decided…if Jesus could suffer for me and my sins and that Lord paid a big price just for me on the Cross for my redemption…whatever I do now is a small thing. God is only asking me to believe in the Saving name of His Son because He loves me and doesn’t want me to perish. And I had nothing to lose. This very thought made me forsake my family beliefs. I repented . That was nearly 3 years back and I’m am now a born-again full gospel believer. God has blessed me abundantly ever since that small step I took. Now even when I am surrounded by criticisms from my own family, I still look at Jesus for my hope and comfort.
Aishwarya Pradeep
No the subject matter is not a typo. Jesus found me. I didn’t find him. Actually, my salvation goes all the way back to my second year of life. I had contracted what was at that time a fatal disease. The doctors sent me home with my parents with the instructions that there was nothing else they could do for me and to just keep me comfortable until the end.
My mother was a Christian. I was her first baby girl after two boys. She could not bear the thought of losing her little much-prayed for little girl. She said that she went to her secret closet and poured out her heart to God. After I was grown, with children of my own, she told me the story. She said that she promised God that if He would let her keep her little girl, she would raise her to serve him. God keep His part of the bargain and the disease abated. I lived and begin to grow healthy.
Sad to say, my Mother did not keep her part of the bargain. She did for a little while, taking me to Sunday School where I could hear the stories of Jesus and God’s love. But as the years slipped by, so did my Mother’s church attendance.
I grew to be a teenager who did not know Christ as Saviour. Mom began to remember her promise, but she did not know enough about salvation to show me herself how to be saved. She did the next best thing she knew to do. She made a ruling that if I did not go to church on Sunday morning for Sunday School and Worship Service, then I could not go anywhere with my friends that afternoon.
I started going to different churches with my friends when invited. One friend in particular was a Christian and invited me to come to her church one Sunday evening. Her pastor preached right to my heart. After the service, he came to me and talked with me personally since I would not go forward at invitation. He asked if I believed Jesus died for me.
I answered, “Yes, I do”.
He asked me if I wanted to ask Jesus into my heart.
I answered, “Yes, I do”.
He immediately began to talk to me about being baptized! He scared me to death, for even I knew that you don’t get baptized until after you are saved. You see, I had agreed with my head about Jesus that night, but I had not “asked with my mouth” for salvation. We can believe all we want to and Satan doesn’t mind at all. He just doesn’t want us to agree with God that we are sinners, deserving of Hell and ask Him to save us. I went home just as lost as I had come!
Several months later, after returning from a High School basketball game, I was under deep conviction of my sin. Finally, I knelt by my bed and cried out to God, “there is something terrible wrong with me and I can’t fix it. Will you make it right for me?” I didn’t know enough about the Bible to say, “God, please forgive me of my sin and save me for Jesus sake.” But God knew what my heart was saying, and He saved me that night. I was 16 years old at the time.
The very next Sunday and I went to church with my Mom and walked forward at invitation time to tell the Pastor I wanted to be baptized to show everyone that I had been saved.
Three years later, I married my pastor! We have been serving God together for over 55 years now. Jesus found me for he had a work for me to do. We now have a son and a grandson who are preachers. My Mom’s “bargain” with the Lord still has ripping effects these 70 some years later.
Audrey Mullen
I didn’t find Jesus, He found me. One night, as I was crossing a field in front of a small church, the Spirit of God ‘impressed upon me’ the question: “George, where are you heading.” As I paused, the question came again.
I knew nothing of the plan of salvation at this time and I certainly knew nothing about the Holy Spirit, or that there even was a Holy Spirit. I knew that the question was not concerning my physical destination at that moment, but rather the direction of my life.
Just as if a hand was guiding me, I turned and went into the church. It was here that I was introduced to Jesus. As I said, I knew nothing of the plan of salvation or even what the term itself signified.
I don’t believe I had even heard the term before that point in my life. I was lost and undone and Jesus called my name. That was 33 years ago and I’ve been following the leading of the Holy Spirit ever since. Although there has been times that I’ve started to stray, that same voice calls me back to the path of righteousness.
I just simply got down on my knees with tears streaming down my cheeks. I was nine years old at the time, and simply asked God to save me and He did in a second. It felt like the whole big world had been lifted off my shoulders. A piece an contentment that I had never known before came all over me. Romans 10-13 says very simply everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. I called an He did what He said he would do. He saved this little nine year old boy, A long long time ago I might add.
Johnny Ricahardson
How I found Jesus…
Actually he found me. I helped a lady who was starving. I fed her and her children. It is a long story, but to shorten it. She was not feeding herself and wound up in the hospital for starvation. A girl I dated babysit her children is how I found out about her situation. I had a good job and felt like I could help so I filled her cabinets with food and stopped by once a week to make certain she was eating and had food.
She asked me to go to her church with her at night to pray, she was Catholic, I was nothing at the time. While in her church, something happened… The Crucifix at the front of the church seemed to come alive for a moment and I heard the words, “You have done a good job.”
I thought it was my imagination. There was only her and I in the church. She ran to the front of the church were I was and said “You are blessed.” Apparently, she heard the words also.
Bottom line, this event changed my life. I became baptized later, and have preached in several churches, as a lay minister, and am an elder in my church (Disciples of Christ). He found me, He opened my eyes that I may see.
BJ Cassady
It wasn’t so much how I “found” Jesus, as how my savior Jesus, has always been with me in my heart and soul that needed identifying. The Bible explained what I have always felt.
Ann Caskey
I was running towards my tenth birthday when, after church service one day, my mother sat me down with my immediate elder brother. She questioned us on what we had heard at the service that day and we were blank because as usual, church was always fun – playing with friends you meet once a week.
So she went into telling us the world’s history, how God created the world, how man fell from grace, God’s promise of sending a messiah, how that messiah came, how He died a “loser’s” death, how it turned out to be that actually He won our right to get back to Eden, how He proved His victory by resurrection and how He went to prepare a new Eden in Heaven.
She emphasised, in order for you to be there, you need to walk with Him daily by ensuring you pray when you wake up and pray before you sleep, and to always remember you have a personal Angel who listens to all you say, watches all you do and protects you in danger; therefore, to please strive to be good at all times, lest he takes a bad report of you to heaven.
That night I said my first personal prayer which I can’t remember but the sermon she gave us stuck up in me and I think it is the greatest sermon I have ever heard and has impacted my life so much. I have since come to learn a lot more, even more accurately, but she’s the one who planted the seed. Mothers DO have a great role in helping children be saved.
Chisala Kasongo
Well, I’ve always known Jesus. I was brought up and raised as a Christian, taught the Bible, went to church and so forth. So I’ve always believed and prayed. But I believe I became closer to Jesus when my brother actually talked to me deeper about the meaning of Jesus way back when I was in my early 20’s. My brother had always been a Christian too, but had found the deeper meaning of the Lord after he was married. Him and I would talk and we would discuss scriptures and I prayed harder that I was understanding the true meaning of the Lord’s word.
From that point on, there was never a day that went by that Jesus was not in my thoughts and decisions. It wasn’t a magic moment like some people have. But simply a building on how I was already raised. Just a more in depth understanding of His word and His sacrifice. Not everyone has to have a magic moment, and I know I didn’t. But I do know that from that point of talking about Jesus with my brother, I became more aware, and more ready to share our Father’s word with others.
Lately Mr Pius Oshioreame reared a polygamous home of five children from three mothers.
Members of the family include Francis, George, Stella, Lawrence and Kester (Lawrence and Kester from two different mothers were seen as intruders in the family… step mum) and of course dad and step mum.
Dad was an ardent believer of Catholicism, thus the family was Roman Catholic. The most amazing thing is that dad was hard to the core on us to attend all church masses necessary but he never did save for special occasions like Christmas and Easter.
Step mum inflicted on me and Kester with maltreatment and drew a dividing line between us and her three children who soon embraced her attitude toward us… (it was like living in hell on earth).
I found myself as young as I was then resorting to the Bible as my friend and best companion. It became my main reading material… as a novel and solace.
This practice became the hallmark that molded my character because of my findings and acquired knowledge of “thou shall…” and “thou shall not …” in the Holy Bible. For instance, dad was a chain smoker and drinker of alcohol and spirits. My brothers and sister were characterized with this habit and I was the only exception.
My years in the high school brought friends my way with different religious background. This gave me the window opportunity to visit other churches … Pentecostals, etc. By reason of this, I was met with different pattern of worship and understanding of God. Gradually, it influenced my religious thinking and perceptions and I saw Roman Catholicism not fulfilling Biblical principles. So, the last straw was cast. In 1985, I made a swift turn around from Roman Catholic to Pentecostalism.
Hell was let loose! A black sheep was spotted in the family and this new move must be crushed. Dad used both physical and mental efforts to end this development. It got to a point of hide and seek to fellowship and years later, he saw that I was resolute in my mind so dad gave in. Praise God!
Events around me actually gave the indication that I am called to be a preacher of the gospel of Christ but I really was a shy person, and wanted to be at the back unnoticed but God had a contrary mind for me. So as I moved from one church to another either due to a change in geographical location or doctrinal reasons, I found out that God would always cause a spectacle that takes me upfront and responsibility attached.
I left Nigeria for The Gambia in 1990 and I wanted to continue to present my excuses to God… not fit for the calling but I noticed two things in my life: Wherever I fellowshipped, God did the same thing as mentioned above. Secondly, there was this inner war on the inside of me to discontinue my secular job and aspirations and follow the one who gave me three clear and notable dreams in my early years of contact with Him (God).
By the grace of God, I was ordained a pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God in 1996 and pastored a branch of Redeemed Church about ten kilometers from the Headquarters. Got married to Jannet George (a Gambian) in 1997. By late 1999, we left the Redeemed Church strictly on doctrinal reasons.
Since that time I have been with the Church of Christ as a preacher/evangelist. Sometimes, called as a guest preacher on Search the scriptures Radio Ministry.
Jannet and I have received from the Lord Deborah (deceased), David and Isaac.
I believe I am among the happiest men on earth in my time because of my assignment in His vineyard and my relationship with Christ Jesus my Lord and Savior.
Christianity is a big challenge in The Gambia though, technically, a secular nation but practically and predominately a Muslim domain.
Lawrence Oshioreame
He was a college student in Tamil Nadu of South India. His mother being an orthodox Hindu brought him as a religious and a pious boy. His father being a Communist wanted to bring him up as a good comrade of his party. But this young man followed the mother’s way until age 16 and became a communist at the age of 17 after finding that there is nothing in Hinduism. He took active part in the party. In his college one of the teachers encouraged him into the politics and helped him to know the teachings of Marx and Lenin. He was planning to go to USSR for higher studies.
In the year 1968 this young man felt that there was an emptiness in his heart and the teachings of communists could not fill the void. He wanted to fill that gap by watching movies, reading cheap literature and involving himself in other sinful activities. He could not satisfy his inner man. He was searching for peace. He lost hope in life and became sick.
One of his Christian friends met him in his room and invited him for a prayer meeting in the campus. He went for the meeting without interest. He came after the prayer meeting without any change. But the boys in that prayer group had a burden for this man’s salvation and prayed for him. After much prayer they met him again after 10 days. He argued with them and they tried their best to clarify all his doubts in the light of the Bible. They once again extended an invitation to him for the prayer meeting. He decided to go to the prayer meeting after much consideration. There he prayed a prayer like this:
“Jesus these men are claiming that you are the true God who can change a man’s heart and give him peace of mind. I am searching for these things in many ways. If you give me peace of mind and freedom from the bondage of sin, I will accept you as my Lord and work for you only.”
The Lord Jesus Christ answered this prayer by making him to feel his touch on the 14th of December 1968. He confessed his sins and became a new creature in the Lord. 2Corin.5:17. His life was changed. That young man who got new life in Christ is sharing his experiences with you.
He went home and shared his experience with his father. This was really a great shock for him. He got angry about the boy’s conversion, so he sent him out of home and asked him not to enter his house again. The father did not leave him to follow his faith but tried in all possible ways to reconvert him to the old religion and faith. But somehow the Lord enabled him to overcome all the trials and temptations. Glory to the Lord! Then his father tried one more time to pull him back from following Jesus by compelling him to marry the girl of his choice. As you may be aware most marriages in India are arranged by the parents. This young man resisted and told him that it would not be possible for him to marry a girl of his father’s choice as he knew very well that his father would select a Hindu bride for him. With his little knowledge of the Bible, the father was quoting that the children should obey their parents and honour them. When he was explained that the children should obey their parents in Christ, father was not in a position to listen the scriptural context.
This young man was forced to marry a Hindu girl. This girl had a strong faith in Hinduism, visiting all the temples and writing Hindu slogans in her spare time. She was convinced by her parents and would be father in law that it would be easy for them to reconvert this young man to Hinduism as he was the only Christian in their family circle. Being majority in number the girl also believed that it would be very easy and that within one month the young man would visit the Hindu temple with her. Before their wedding she went to the Hindu temples and prayed for this.
Their marriage took place on the 6th of April 1977. On the same day the young woman was asking her husband why did he become a Christian. The man took this opportunity and shared his testimony with her. According to the wife Christians were very arrogant people with no consideration for other religions or other gods and goddesses. While the husband was sharing his testimony he was stressing one point again and again, and that was “Christ is the only one God and Lord”. His testimony proved her concept of Christianity is true.
That day she challenged him and said that she would prove that Christ is like other gods and she would accept Him as one among other gods. She declared that it was very hard to believe that the Bible is inspired word of God and was not willing to read or touch it. As a new couple they started their married life in Madras. There this young wife wanted to involve herself in some type of work because she had lots of time in her hand. He promised to get some books for her to translate from English into Tamil. Then without knowing her background, Evangelical Literature Service asked the wife’s help to rewrite the manuscript of the Living Bible New Testament in Tamil legibly, with headings and paragraphs. The husband told her that the manuscript he got from ELS was part of the Bible and explained what to do. Without hesitation she agreed to do the work because of the money she would get for her work.
By the time she finished the rewriting of the Gospel according to St. John and the Book of Acts all the other books of the New Testament were ready for printing since the same work was being done by some others. After this the ELS people approached the young man asked his help for proof reading. He and his wife would be one among the four groups who would do the proof reading of the NT simultaneously. The husband remembered about his wife’s challenge of not touching the Bible and without asking her help he was doing the proof correction. His wife voluntarily offered her help to do the proof reading. She had the chance of reading the whole NT from Matthew to Revelation for the first time.
Then the couple proofread the whole NT. They were asked by the publishers to do the final correction of the manuscript. In the third reading of John’s Gospel the Lord revealed Himself to the wife as the only God and Saviour. She could not argue or even think anymore that Christ was one among other gods. She accepted the Lord and wanted to tell about this Lord to others. Her husband shared about his burden to reach the people through the audio ministry. He told her that he was praying for 8 years for the Lord to open a way to start the ministry. She committed her life to work full time in the ministry with her husband and wanted to give God’s word to each and every Indian because she experienced the changing power of the Scriptures. The couple in this story are P.A.Sundara Rajan and Priya Sundara Rajan.
I am P.A. Sundara Rajan, director of World Cassette Outreach of India and I want to tell you about the birth of this ministry in India.
When I was serving the Lord with the Evangelical Church of India, I got the vision of doing the Lord’s ministry though the audio media. It is the most effective way to reach others for Christ since the people I had close contacts with were mostly illiterate in need of someone to read and explain the scripture to them. I was waiting for twelve years for the Lord to open a way to start the cassette ministry since I knew potential and the need for it. While I was serving the Lord with the ECI, I bought a broken tape recorder from a garage sale. It was not in a working Condition, but with my little knowledge about tape recorders I opened and found that the belt was missing. I placed one ordinary rubber band in the place of the belt and it started to function. I used that player in the villages for two years. I recorded some parables and messages with some choruses and played it to the village people. They loved to listen the recording. This experience challenged me to pursue and start the cassette ministry.
In the year 1978 I met Dr. Hoekstra. At the time of leaving India he gave me one cassette and asked me to try to develop a mechanism for rewinding the cassette. Without ceasing I was praying to the Lord to open a way to start the cassette ministry in India. In 1979 Dr.Hoekstra visited India again and this time he gave me some CCP players and some more cassettes. In his third visit to India after making a covenant before the Lord he gave me a cassette recorder and a 1+2 same time duplicator. World Cassette Outreach of India ministry was born in the temple city of India, Madurai. Then it was known as Portable Recording Ministries. In 1982 it was registered under Karnataka’s Societies’ Act as World Cassette Outreach of India and we moved and settle in Bangalore in the month of May 1982.
Currently WCOI is involved in the recording and the distribution of the audio Scripture in various Indian languages and the cassette players for use in rural areas.
P. A. Sundara Rajan
Bangalore, India