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lighthouse (Peggy's Cove, east coast Canada).
Bible Resources
Answered Prayers: Protection

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God Is Able

The word of God is true and Amen. “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: It shall not return to me void.” (Isaiah 55:11 KJV). I nor you should not therefore be afraid or discouraged, “For the LORD will personally go ahead of you, and he will be with...

Trouble at the Car Wash

I went to the car wash early one morning. My husband leaves for work before 6am. I always stay up. So I decided to go and wash my car! I live in a very small town { 400 or so people} As I pulled in. I saw 2 young boys on bicycles messing with the change box where you...

Tornado Warnings

Living in Texas, we get some very severe weather, and over the last few days have had several tornado warnings. We were driving home yesterday when a bulletin came on the radio. Another tornado warning was in effect. Shortly after, we took a wrong turn, and had to...

The Tornado

I just wanted to send all of you a little note about an experience that happened to my family last night.We had just finished supper and were getting ready to drive up to Cedarville College, which is a Christian College 45 minutes north east of where we live. Spring...

Throwing Up in Your Sleep

"This past week has been an interesting one. In many ways, I have been under a big attack physically. I have had a spastic colon that God healed a couple of years ago. The doctors put me on some medication for my diabetes which caused my colon to act up. I stopped...

Taking Care of Us

On Friday afternoon, February 18th my husband, my granddaughter (nine years old) and I were coming home from my daughter's house (Delmarie). The weather was not too bad, but it was snowing. My husband was driving our trans port van. It was slippery and the van was...

A Street Called Shea

I am sitting here right now in complete and absolute AWE! On my way from work and on my way to work, I cross a street called "Shea." I don't know anyone who lives on that street, so I really never gave it much thought, but for the past week for some reason every time...

Seized Missionary Released Unharmed

Five car thieves seized a Speed the Light vehicle driven by U.S. Assemblies of God missionary Lance Hines at gunpoint September 9. The incident occurred after Hines transported Bible School students to their homes following a church service in Lusaka, Zambia's...

Saved From Three Car Accidents

I got you hurricane message after chatting with my parents. I forgot to tell you of how God has intervened in my life several times in the past couple days all the same way. He has saved me from, I'd say, THREE car accidents!One time he had me slow down and pull left...

Saved From Lightening

I had taken my son for a motorcycle ride on Sabbath to spend time with him. Unfortunately family situation was not what it should have been, so time was limited. We left phoenix and headed toward Prescott, Arizona via the old road. When we reached the top of Yarnell...

Running Out of Gas

My Testimony for Saturday morning. I was headed out the door late for work Friday Morning and when I started down the road my car started coughing and sputtering, and of course feeling illish I really didn't feel up to dealing with my car in the icy cold weather, you...


"I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing." - 1 Timothy 2:8In northeast Thailand lies the Kalasin Province; it is a rich and fertile agricultural area. During years of normal rainfall, the province annually produces two crops...

The Old Man

I started this job where I now work about three and one half years ago because of a telephone call that I had received from a dear brother in Christ, I had committed my life to Jesus much earlier in life but I look back and see that a real commitment was not there for...

Never Touched My Brakes!

"A friend of mine was driving through an intersection one day and his little four-year-old son was in the car with him. The car door flew open, and the little boy rolled out of the vehicle right into the middle of traffic coming from four ways. The last thing my...

Is the Christian God Angry About the Persecution of His People?

Dearly Beloved,The earthquake in India was actually far worse than you have heard. We have just received reports indicating that the death toll will climb well past the 100,000 mark. One official told Dr. PAUL KIRUBABKARAN (One of the heads of LIVING ROCK MINISTRIES...

Hurricane Floyd

This was sent to our subscribers on Monday September 13, 1999 8:01 PM.:"Dear friend,My subscribers from Florida are concerned about the hurricane threatening them. Prayers have been asked on their behalf. Here is a letter from one of them:"Dear Robert we are very...

Hurricane Debby

Sample request received on Wednesday August 23, 2000:"Now, we need prayers you may know a hurricane is threatening Cuba and South Florida. Last year my sister lost her home to flooding and it took several months for her and her family to returned to their home. Our...

Flooded Basement

Yesterday Rob went down to the lower basement to find a mini-flood. Something had gotten pushed up against the sump-pump, preventing it from working. As soon as the lever was liberated, the sump-pump immediately began to operate, pulling most of the water from the...

The Day God Protected My Husband

We were moving our trailer, an old trailer out of the direct sun into the shade of an old oak tree... My husband had a good friend helping him, and a neighbor offered to move the trailer with his tractor... We were just moving it from one side of the acre, to the...

Côte d’Ivoire

We received the following prayer request: "Please pray for the country of Cote d'Ivoire as it is in times of political turbulence! Some of these incidents were just a few kilometres from our home! And there were and are many other things going on that the press didn't...

Cholera in Mozambique

DANGEROUS CHOLERA OUTBREAK/God's response Rolland and Heidi Baker Maputo, Mozambique 28 February 2001The rivers of central Mozambique continue to rise, cutting many thousands of our own church members off from food supplies and medical help. Upstream dams are being...

Car Accident

"I have a little more sad news, but the outcome was a miracle in itself!My husband and son left for Church before me, because my grandson was still sleeping, and I didn't want to awake him. After the others left he awoke, and I was dressed for church, and hurried and...

The Car Thief

A woman was at work when she received a phone call that her daughter was very sick with a fever. She left her work and stopped by the pharmacy to get some medication for her daughter. When returning to her car she found that she had locked her keys in the car. She was...

Are You a Muslim or a Christian?

To all members of Church...Even my English is not really good, I try to start this email by saying, "Praise the Lord, for Loving us".I'm an Adventist who betrayed church for several years. Never go to church, open the Bible, and never even take a prayer since i was...