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lighthouse (Peggy's Cove, east coast Canada).
Bible Resources
Bible Questions

Serah Mudeshi

Title: Prayer WarriorFavorite Bible Verse: "...For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." (Romans 8:18) Home Base: HNairobi Kenya East Africa Career: Business. Hobbies: Singing....

What Does the Bible Say About … AN ADDITIONAL RESURRECTION?

Is there any other resurrection apart from 1st and 2nd resurrection? Scripture speaks of two distinct resurrections - that of the just and the unjust. All Bible believers agree that there will be a resurrection of both the believing and unbelieving dead. They have...

Pastor Ajayi Rotimi

Title: Prayer WarriorFavorite Bible Verse: "Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake and in my flesh I do my share on behalf of His body (which is the church) filling up that which is lacking in Christ afflictions." (Colossians 1:24) Home Base: Lagos, Nigeria...

What Does the Bible Say About … POLYGOMY?

Is polygamy explicitly condemned in the bible (especially) in the New Testament? Or is it inferred. God never approved polygamy.  Yes it occurred in the Old Testament, but none of those who practiced polygamy had received God’s blessing for it. Gen 2:18 “The LORD God...

What Does the Bible Say About … ABORTION?

This is not an easy issue to address. Before starting to address this topic, I want to say that my heart goes out to all mothers and fathers who may be forced to consider abortion because of medical reasons—i.e. the mother’s life is at stake, the baby’s life is at...

What Does the Bible Say About … WORRY AND BEING AFRAID?

This one is easy. Absolutely! A Christian can worry and be afraid just like anyone else.But why should he? It is true that Jesus was in anguish when He was praying to His Heavenly Father prior to His arrest, so much so that His sweat was tinged with blood. This...

What Does the Bible Say About … BABY ANGELS?

Baby angels will soon be placed all over the racks in the stores. Are there baby angels? What does the Bible really say? There are those who believe that when a person dies that they become an angel, however, the Bible teaches us that angels are spiritual beings...

What Does the Bible Say About … BECOMING AN ANGEL?

Do humans ever become Angels? Both the Hebrew malakh and the Greek aggelos literally mean, “messenger”. From the first book of the Bible to the last, these words occur nearly 400 times. When spirit messengers are indicated, the words are translated “angels”, but if...

What Does the Bible Say About … ASKING ANGELS FOR HELP?

Is it ok to sometimes ask for Angels help? Let me answer this through a series of questions that are answered by God's Word. Remember that every word in the Bible is inspired by God's Spirit (2 Tim 3:16-17 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching,...

What Does the Bible Say About … TESTIMONIALS ABOUT ANGELS?

I would like to hear testimonials of those who have been touched by celestial beings, sent by God. I am posing this hypothetically to see if some will recall having such an experience/s that did not realize it at the time. I have been touched by a celestial being in...

What Does the Bible Say About … ANIMALS/PET IS HEAVEN?

What does the bible say about animals/pets in Heaven? And do animals have a soul? The Bible is very clear that there will be animals in heaven:Isa 65:25 5 The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, but dust will be the serpent's...

What Does the Bible Say About … BAPTISM?

Do you think that baptism is a necessary part of our salvation? The answer is easily answered by quoting Luke 23:40-43 “But the other criminal rebuked him. "Don't you fear God," he said, "since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are...

What Does the Bible Say About … BAPTISM AND JESUS?

Why did Jesus need to be baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit? Why would the Son of God need to be baptized? He is sinless! Isn’t baptism a symbol of repentance? Let us explore through God’s Scriptures 8 reasons why it was important for Jesus to be baptized.1. His...

What Does the Bible Say About … ASTROLOGY? Part 1

Is astrology permitted in the Bible? What about the wise men visiting Jesus when He was born? People in our society are fascinated by astrology and horoscopes. Man hungers to have wisdom beyond their own and will search anywhere to find direction for his future....

What Does the Bible Say About … ASTROLOGY? Part 2

Is it good for the Christian to say I am a virgo or a leo following the star signs? Let us answer these questions through a series of questions whose answers will be found in the Holy Scriptures.1. What does God say about those who consult with astrologers and use...

What Does the Bible Say About … BAPTISM AND SALVATION? Part 1

Besides the thief on the cross, is there any evidence that one can be saved without being baptized? The answer is easily answered by quoting Luke 23:40-43 “But the other criminal rebuked him. "Don't you fear God," he said, "since you are under the same sentence? We...

What Does the Bible Say About … BAPTISM AND SALVATION, Part 2

Besides the thief on the cross, is there any evidence that one can be saved without being baptized? Some pretend that one cannot be saved if they are not baptized. This reasoning is dangerous and not Biblical. Let me explain why.1. If baptism were a necessary part of...

What Does the Bible Say About … BAPTISM AND SIN?

Does water baptism wash away sin?The concept of baptism washing away sin stems from Acts 22:16, TEV. “And now, why wait any longer? Get up and be baptized and have your sins washed away by calling on His name.”Does this mean you can was away your sins through baptism?...

What Does the Bible Say About … THE REAL MEANING OF BAPTISM?

What is the REAL meaning of baptism? Buried to Rise"Don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?" (Romans 6:3, NIV2)Unlike any other religions, we Christians believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus, the Christ....

What Does the Bible Say About … WHO SHOULD BAPTISE?

Who has the authority to baptise? Any believer has the right in baptizing a person. But we serve a God who desires for us to do everything in order. 1Corinthians 14:40 "Let all things be done decently and in order."I would like to start at the beginning of the New...

What Does the Bible Say About … The BEST ENGLISH BIBLE VERSION?

Which English Bible Version is the Best? Before answering this question it is important for us to give a brief introduction to the Bible, which is the Word of Life.The Word “Bible comes from the Greek word for “book”. The Bible is a library of 66 books written by...

What Does the Bible Say About … THE BIBLE AND THE BOOK OF JOB?

Is the book of Job a legend? Or did the events prescribed in that book really happen? Why would God need to test Job? Why should Almighty God have to prove anything to Satan? Surely God was aware of the response this faithful servant would give! Any why should Satan...

What Does the Bible Say About … THE BIBLE AND THE APOCRYPHA?

Are the deutero-canonical books or apocrypha (Tobit, Judith, 1 and 2 Macabees, Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus (or Sirach) and Baruch) part of the Old Testament canon? Some Christian denominations believe these books are part of the Old Testament canon (a book...

What Does the Bible Say About … The KING JAMES VERSION?

Should we rely solely on the King James Version or are other Bible versions as authoritive as the King James? I am sorry that the answer is a bit long. We felt we had to be thorough in answering this question.A current movement among Christians proclaims the King...

What Does the Bible Say About … The NEW KING JAMES BIBLE?

Does the New King James Version differ from other translations? King James VersionThe King James Version (KJV) of the Bible gets its name from King James I of England. Back in 1605 he commissioned a new translation of the Bible into English so that the Word of God...

What Does the Bible Say About… PAUL?

How much authority can we give the writings of the Apostle Paul when all the other apostles saw him as an extremist? First of all we need to discover how the other apostles reacted towards Paul's preaching. A good example of this can be found in: Acts 15:1-3"Some men...

What Does the Bible Say About … The ORIGINAL BIBLE TEXTS?

Can we find the true meaning of Bible texts if we rely solely on English translations and not on the original Hebraic and Greek languages of the Old and New Testaments? The original Bible was written in Hebrew and Aramaic (Old Testament) and in Greek (New...


Can the Bible be trusted? The Bible is either true, or it is a forgery. It is either God's Word or the deceptive words of mere men. There is no alternative. I will try to briefly answer this question and share with you why I am convinced beyond a doubt that the Bible...

What Does the Bible Say About … THE TWO TESTIMENTS IN THE BIBLE?

Why are there two Testiments in the Bible? The Bible consists of two parts: The Old Testament, and the New Testament.Why?This is best explained in the book of Hebrews:"In the case of a will, it is necessary to prove the death of the one who made it, because a will is...

What Does the Bible Say About … The PURPOSE OF THE NEW TESTAMENT?

What was the authors' purpose for writing the New Testament gospels and epistles? And were they reliable sources? We will subdivide today's study in 3 subdivisions:a. Purpose of writing the gospelsb. Purpose of writing the epistlesc. Reliability of the New Testament...

What Does the Bible Say About … CREMATION?

Is Cremation right or wrong? In the Bible there is no instance of cremation, Jewish, heathen or Christian. The Jews entombed, if possible, or else buried their dead. 1 Kings 11:15--"Joab the commander of the army, who had gone up to bury the dead" Even criminals were...

What Does the Bible Say About … The AGE OF THE EARTH?

Why does the modern-day method of carbon dating along with the fossil record seem to contradict the bible? An excellent answer can be read at: simple fact is - it doesn't. So many inaccuracies with...

What Does the Bible Say About … BRINGING UP CHILDREN?

Is child training important? Let us answer these questions through a series of questions whose answer will be found in the Holy Scriptures.1. What is the value of early attention to child training?Proverbs 22:6: "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHAT MAKES A TRUE CHRISTIAN?

What makes a true christian? The whole story behind naming Jesus' followers "Christians" can be found in Acts 11: 19-26 as Acts 11:26 "The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch." NIVIn this text there is also a complete definition of what a true Christian...

What Does the Bible Say About … OTHER RELIGIONS?

How is Christianity different from other religions? The difference between Christianity and other religions can be summarized like these:Christianity: What God did to bring us salvationAll other religions: What man does to bring salvation upon himselfIn other words,...

What Does the Bible Say About … JEWS BECOMING CHRISTIAN?

Do Jews have to forsake their culture to become Christian? Answers from our Messianic Friends From the very beginning of the faith, starting with its founder Yeshua (Jesus), our faith was a "Jewish" one. Yeshua was from the tribe of Judah (from whence comes the name...

What Does the Bible Say About … MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD?

How Can We Truly Make a Difference in This World? The Galloping HorseJesus' message to all of us, young and old, is quite clear: "Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." (John 13:34, NIV2) This crucial message resounds in every book and...

What Does the Bible Say About … SINFOR T HE SAVED?

Are we Free to Sin Now That Jesus has died for our Sins? Mixing Light with Darkness. A Study Through the 7 Churches of RevelationLet us be wise and search the Word to see to which church we belong in the light of the 7 churches portrayed in the book of Revelation.The...

What Does the Bible Say About … A DEAD CHURCH?

Can a Church Become Completely Dead? As Good as Dead. A Study Through the 7 Churches of Revelation May we take heed to the words addressed to the Seven Churches of the book of Revelation. To which of these seven churches do you belong?The church of Sardis starts with...


Can a Church Go Through Extreme Suffering? A Study Through the 7 Churches of Revelation Overjoyed Amidst AdversityAgain I would like to encourage pastors and members alike to consider your church in the light of the seven churches portrayed in the book of Revelation....

What Does the Bible Say About … CHURCH ATTENDANCE? Part 2

Can you be Christian and not go to church? Many people complain that going to church is a waste of time.  They complain that the church consists of too many hypocrites.  Why go there, if we can worship God also at home? Is it really necessary to go to church?  What do...

What Does the Bible Say About … CHURCH ATTENDANCE? Part 1

As a Christian, we are told to get affiliated with a church. Why? It seems as though I am closer to God when I am not associated with church attendance than when I am. So the real question is, If I am able to attend church what would be God's purpose for me in...

What Does the Bible Say About … A COMPLACENT CHURCH?

How Can a Church Become Complacent? Part a. A Study Through the 7 Churches of Revelation Saving the Madonna with Child. There was a special taskforce during World War II whose mission was to recover precious works of Art that had been stolen by the Nazis. Recruiting...

What Does the Bible Say About … AVOIDING COMPLACENCY?

How Can we avoid complacency? Part C. A Study Through the 7 Churches of Revelation Following in the footsteps of our Father's Spirit Last time we discovered that due to its "richy" attitude, the church of Laodicea was complacent. In becoming completely indifferent, it...

What Does the Bible Say About … BECOMING COMPLACENT?

How Can we Become Complacent? The Outcast. Part B. A Study Through the 7 Churches of Revelation While in Christchurch, New Zealand, we discovered a slimy pond, covered with algae and duck-weed, and not attractive at all by human terms. To us it looked more like a mud...

What Does the Bible Say About … A CARING CHURCH?

How Does a Caring Church Look? A Study Through the 7 Churches of Revelation Aware of our Father's LoveWe will continue our study of the seven churches of Revelation, an opportunity for us to discover what a church should look like.We who live comfortably in countries...

What Does the Bible Say About … The SIGNS OF THE TIMES?

According to Matthew 24, what are some of the signs of the times that will be manifested in the church? Are we in the end times? Is Jesus coming back soon? Jesus told us that Mat 24: 36 "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven." NIV. However...

What Does the Bible Say About … GOD’S TRUE CHURCH?

What is the true church of God? Is the true church of God a certain denomination?  Is it the Jehovah Witnesses, or the Seventh-day Adventist church, or maybe the Lutheran church or…?  What does the Bible say about the true church of God?  Let us look what God’s...

What Does the Bible Say About … CHRISTIAN LIVING?

What is the Most Important Aspect of Christian Living? Sidetracked by Work. A Study Through the 7 Churches of Revelation Going through the messages of the 7 churches in Revelation, I stood back and looked at what message Jesus was trying to portray to each one of...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHY WE GO TO CHURCH?

Why do I Go to Church? Hope is Not Beyond Our GraspErik the Red, a ferocious Viking descendant living in newly established Iceland, followed in the footsteps of his dad. His father had come to Iceland after being expelled from Norway for an unjustified killing, and...

What Does the Bible Say About … The CHURCH’S NAME?

Is cremation right or wrong? To answer any Bible related question, we should go to the Bible so we might call Bible things by Bible names (2 Timothy 1:13). What does the Bible reveal about the church's name?It is interesting to note our Lord gave no one specific name...

What Does the Bible Say About … TAKING COMMUNION?

If you are mad at someone or they are mad at you are you supposed to avoid communion? Let us see what the Bible says about this: Matt 5:23-24 “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave...

What Does the Bible Say About … CAIN’S OFFERING?

When Cain and Abel both came to God with offerings, why did God favor one over the other? Wouldn't that help create feelings of unworthiness afterwards? When I was young and I read this story I was puzzled as well that Cain’s offering was rejected by God.  Why would...

What Does the Bible Say About … CAIN’S WIFE?

If you are mad at someone or they are mad at you are you supposed to avoid communion? Where Did Cain Get His Wife? Let us see who are mentioned in the Scriptures to be on the earth around Cain’s time. Gen 1:1-2 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. ...

What Does the Bible Say About … THE TREE OF LIFE?

What was the tree of Life in the Garden and why were Adam and Eve not allowed to eat from it after they sinned? Gen 2:9 "In the middle of the garden were the tree of life." That tree of life, as long as Adam and Eve were eating from it, was given them life, eternal...

What Does the Bible Say About … THE 144,000?

What does the bible say about the 144,000? Who are the 144000?  Are they Jehovah Witnesses?   Are they converted Jews?  Is it a literal number?  What does the Bible say about them?  Let’s take a look at what we can find out. “The problem with the number is that it is...

What Does the Bible Say About … CAPITAL PUNISHMENT?

How does God look upon murder and capital punishment? This is a question that must be answered from the perspective of spiritual and physical point of view. It is clear from scriptures that God detests sin. Murder in itself is not the only form of sin. When capital...

What Does the Bible Say About … THE ABOMINATION?

What did Jesus mean when He said "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Let him which is on...

What Does the Bible Say About … KISSING BEFORE MARRIAGE?

Is it okay for Christians who are dating to kiss? Thank you for your excellent question. The Bible does not really tell if it is okay for Christians who are dating to kiss. Personally I don't see any problems with kissing when you are dating someone you would like to...

What Does the Bible Say About … SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE?

What does the Bible say about having sex before marriage? Preamble: Since human life alone existed in God's image, none of the other creatures could share this life in any satisfying way. God therefore gave Adam his companion. The man and the woman were equal in...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHERE THE SOUL GOES AFTER DEATH?

When a person dies where does his soul go? The only way to know the truth is to find the answers in God's Word: the Bible. It is a road map leading to salvation.I will concentrate especially on what happens when a believer dies and briefly approach what happens when...

What Does the Bible Say About … FACING DEATH WITH DIGNITY?

How can we face death with dignity? Facing the InevitableIn our society we don't like to talk much about death. After all, our world is geared towards entertainment and having fun. Still, every day thousands of people have no choice but to face the inevitable, and...

What Does the Bible Say About … ORGAN DONATION?

Is being an organ donor right or wrong? This topic cannot be found in the Bible, as medicine was not as advanced in those days. The first reliable report of a transplant surgery is from 1823 when a German surgeon (Carl Bunger) performed plastic surgery on a woman’s...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHEN THE DEAD GO TO HEAVEN?

When you die are you present with the Lord, or at the second coming, when the graves are opened? Dear friends, Let no one deceive you, the Bible is clear on this topic.  The idea of soul sleep (you are “asleep” until the resurrection) is proclaimed by two...

What Does the Bible Say About … THE HUMAN SPIRIT AND SOUL?

What is the different between the spirit and soul of a man? This is a question that has been debated by many theologians. It is not our purpose here to take sides with one school of thought or another, but to share with you what the Bible in general has to say about...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHY PEOPLE DIE?

Why do people die? Death is a consequence of sin. Romans 6:23, TLB. "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."What the serpent, the devil said to our first parents was a lie: Gen 3:4 You will not surely...

What Does the Bible Say About … MAKING RIGHT DECISIONS? Part 2

How can I know if I am making right decisions? In a hectic world, it's quite easy to forget asking our Heavenly Dad for directions. However, how many times are we left wanting after making hasty decisions? "Had I known!" Leads us nowhere.Too often we forget that the...

What Does the Bible Say About … CASTING LOTS?

How Biblical is casting lots? Casting lots is quite Biblical. The word "lots" appears 70 times in the Old Testament and seven times in the New Testament.It was used by priests to separate the scapegoat from the one being sacrificed: Lev 16:8 "He is to cast lots for...

What Does the Bible Say About … MAKING RIGHT DECISIONS? Part 1

How do I know if I am making the right decision? What do we do when we face a situation that we are unsure of? How can we know for certain what is the best choice, what God's choice would be?Throughout all of God's Word, one thing is clearly depicted: As long as we...

What Does the Bible Say About … BREAKING CURSES?

How do we break curses? The biggest curse we are under is sin.  Sin enslaves us to unhealthy habits that are humanly impossible to break free from.  Think of the sex addicts, serial murderers, thieves… Ask them if it is possible to break free from their curse.  They...

What Does the Bible Say About … GENERATIONAL CURSES?

Are generational curses biblical? How do we break them? There is so much confusion in our world today that false teachings get easily infiltrated in our thoughts.  Our source to all truth is the Bible and anything that comes to us, has to be verified with the Bible. ...


How do we break generational curses? There is so much confusion in our world today that false teachings get easily infiltrated in our thoughts.  Our source to all truth is the Bible and anything that comes to us, has to be verified with the Bible.  Otherwise we will...

What Does the Bible Say About … DEPRESSION?

What does the Bible say about depression? The answer to this important question would take tons of paper.  As we are limited in space and time, I will first share with you some of the highlights from God’s Word regarding depression.    Please note that this response...

What Does the Bible Say About … DISCOURAGEMENT?

Why are we so easily discouraged? The Sacrifice: The Cost of Never Giving Up!Have you noticed that all of us humans have at least one thing in common? We become easily discouraged! When adversity stirs up in our lives and trouble stares us in the face, we tend to...

What Does the Bible Say About … DINOSAURS?

Why aren't dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? The King James was first translated in 1611. Some people think that because the word 'dinosaur' is not found in this or other translations, then the Bible makes no mention of dinosaurs.However, it wasn't until 1841 that the...

What Does the Bible Say About … ALCOHOL?

What does the Bible say about drinking alcoholic beverages? PREAMBLE:The condition of being intoxicated because of excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages. A drunkard is a person who habitually overindulges in strong drink to the point of drunkenness. To get to the...

What Does the Bible Say About … DRUG USE?

Where in the Bible might there be mention about drug use? This is a good question, and one that is very relevant in this world we live in. I think the distinction needs to be made between medication prescribed by a doctor (one of the deuterocanonical books of the Old...

What Does the Bible Say About … OUR FAITH? Part 3

The burn that never hurt: Do we truly believe? We, as believers, do pray, just as the disciples did. However, do we truly know how to pray? Are we talking with our Father as our closest friend, or are we praying like commercials, repeating day in and day out our...

What Does The Bible Say About … OUR FAITH? Part 2

The Clutch: Do we truly believe? The Clutch"After six days Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and led them up a high mountain, where they were all alone. There he was transfigured before them. His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world...

What Does the Bible Say About … OUR FAITH? Part 1

The Alarm Clock: Do we truly believe? My Alarm Clock is Defunct!"However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8b, NIV2)When I was about ten years old, I was always told that repair men needed to be left alone when they were working in...

What Does the Bible Say About … OUR FAITH? Part 4

Help! The bread is not rising! Do we truly believe? Many, many years ago, so long in fact that it seems like eons, I was asked, along with several other church members, to go up to the altar to pray for those who went forward for prayer. I agreed, but unfortunately,...

What Does the Bible Say About … CONTROLLING OUR FEAR?

How can I control my fears? The Lost Wallet How many among us could declare what David believed: "Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident." (Ps 27:3, NIV2)As I write this devotional, many are...

What Does the Bible Say About … CONQUERING FEAR?

How can I conquer my fears? Hope Beyond YonderWhile visiting Hopewell Furnace in Pennsylvania, we encountered a gentleman disguised as a union soldier. He explained that the Civil War took quite a toll on the soldiers. Most of us don’t spend much time dwelling on our...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHY WE HAVE FEAR?

Why do I have fears? And why did I have three miscarriages even though I believe God will keep my baby safe? Why do I have fear?Please read the verse below and study carefully the passages that they come from.Psalms 34:4 "I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and...

What Does the Bible Say About … The FEAR of the LORD?

What is the fear of the Lord? Is it also mentioned in the New Testament? How do we respond to a loving God who reached down to take us out of the slime of sin and clothed us in victory from the bondage of sin through the blood of the Lamb? Ps 18:16 "He reached down...

What Does the Bible Say About … The FOODS of ACTS 15:29?

Acts 15:29 refer to unclean food? Thank you for your good question. I like to look at the whole context first. We need to ask ourselves: why were these recommendations given? The answer is found in Acts 15:1Some men came down from Judea to Antioch and were teaching...

What Does the Bible Say About … JESUS AND VEGETARIANISM?

Was Jesus a vegetarian? The Bible does not really specify what Jesus ate besides bread, figs and fish (Mat 26:26; Mark 11:12-14; Luke 24: 41-43). Jesus disciples were not that concerned to report about Jesus’ diet. It was far more important to them to preach the good...

What Does the Bible Say About … JESUS and UNCLEAN FOODS?

Mark 7:14-23, Jesus declares all foods "clean". Does this statement nullify the Old Testament dietary law outlined in Leviticus 11? This is a very interesting question. Let’s first read the text in question.Mark 7:14-23: “Again Jesus called the crowd to him and said,...

What Does the Bible Say About … PORK?

Is it all right to eat pork? The answers to this question has been divided in two groups. The first group provides support for not eating pork while the second group gives support for eating pork. I pray that God's Holy Spirit will guide you in all truth. Group 1Pork...

What Does the Bible Say About … SELF FORGIVENESS?

Can I ever forgive myself? When Peace Like a River Grief affects people in different ways. Some grow closer to their family members, others push those close to them away because of their perspective of the circumstances.I found myself at odds with my cousin after the...

What Does the Bible Say About … FORGIVING THE UNFORGIVEN?

If God does not forgive someone, why should I consider forgiving that person? This is a very interesting question and seems completely logical. However, one needs to ask oneself: "Are there ever times when God does not forgive?"Let us open God's Scriptures to find the...

What Does the Bible Say About … FORGIVENESS AFTER SIN?

How can I be forgiven after having sinned so much? Backing Out With a Long BangFirst of all, if you are asking yourself this question, you are not lost beyond hope. It's those who aren't even wondering about such things who are heading for disaster.The Good News...

What Does the Bible Say About … FORGIVING THOSE WHO HAVE HURT ME?

How Can I Forgive Others Who Have Hurt Me So Much? Don't Tread on Me!In the early days of United States history, many official flags carried the symbol of a rattlesnake, with the warning, "Don't tread on me". The early Marine Corps battle drums flag, as well as the...

What Does the Bible Say About … GAMBLING

Is gambling a sin? If someone in your church played the lottery and wanted to give 10% to the church, would you be able to take it knowing how it was got? If the church did take the money, wouldn't it be the same difference if it was turned around and they come to ask...

What Does the Bible Say About … HOW TO DEFINE GAMBLING?

Are raffle tickets sold in the church considered to be gambling? Imagine a young boy going around his neighbourhood, trying to sell raffle tickets for his church.  “Please buy a raffle ticket from me sir” “What for?” “It’s for my church.” “Isn’t this gambling son?”...

What Does the Bible Say About … OUR AUTHORITY IN CHRIST TO HEAL?

Do we have the authority to heal people? Out of FocusIt is clear that Jesus gave authority to His followers to heal: "And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness...

What Does the Bible Say About … SIGNS OF LACK OF FAITH FOR HEAING?

I wear hearing aids in both ears and am wondering if by wearing them, that puts a block up in my faith for God's healing. I wear them, because they help me hear speech and it is useful in the workplace, church, home, etc. Without the hearing aids on my ears, I cannot...

What Does the Bible Say About … GOD’S WILL and HEALING?

Is it God's will to heal people? The answer can clearly be read by clicking here. ________________ First we need to be aware that human impossibilities are God’s opportunities. Nothing is impossible to God, not even to heal the most impossible disease! Jer 32:17 "Ah,...

What Does the Bible Say About … The HEALING OF THE DEATHLY ILL?

Can we stand in prayer for the healing of someone who is deathly ill? What if God intended for him/her to come home? We can always stand in prayer for the healing of someone who is sick. The Bible confirms this in James 5:14-15 "Is any one of you sick? He should call...

What Does the Bible Say About … GOD’S WILL for HEALING THE SICK?

Is it God's will to heal the sick? We receive many answered prayer requests here at Answers2Prayer and we do rejoice with people who were healed through the stripes of Jesus Christ. "This is fine and well, but I am sick and was wondering if Jesus cared enough to heal...

What Does the Bible Say About … PRESENT DAY HEALING?

Does God still heal in this present day? I have been a Christian for over thirty years, as a matter of fact if the Lord tarries and I live, it will not be too long until I will move into my fourth decade as a born again child of God.During those years I have bee a...

What Does the Bible Say About … KNOWING PEOPLE IN HEAVEN?

Will we recognize our loved ones when we get to heaven? You will absolutely be able to recognize your loved ones when you get to heaven! Biblical Proofs? Here they are:1. Luke 9:28-33 "About eight days after Jesus said this, he took Peter, John and James with him and...

What Does the Bible Say About … MARRIAGE in HEAVEN?

Will I be with my wonderful husband in heaven as his wife if I stay faithful until Jesus comes? I long to continue our marriage throughout eternity. God blessed me with a wonderful Christian husband and father to our children, I miss him more than words can describe....

What Doess the Bible Say About … JESUS VISITING HELL?

Did Jesus visit hell when He died? First of all, may I encourage you to read the answers to last week's question: According to the Bible are there two different kinds of hell? To be found at: Last week we discovered that people do...

What Does the Bible Say About … PURGATORY?

Is purgatory Biblical? The notion of purgatory was created because it was felt that some people on this planet were neither good, nor bad. God had to give them another chance through the purification ritual of the purgatory. However, that notion is not Biblical at...

What Does the Bible Say About … HELL and the UNSAVED?

When unsaved people die, do they go into hell as soon as they die? The question here is about when does the unsaved go to hell, not about the duration of hell. I will try to refrain myself in just answering the question asked.There are two schools' of thoughts on...

What Does the Bible Say About … DIFFERENT KINDS OF HELL?

According to the Bible, are there two different kinds of hell? To find the answer to this question, we need to understand what the Bible has to say concerning what happens when someone dies. We will first look into the Old Testament and then to the New Testament and...

What Does the Bible Say About … HOW MUCH WE SHOULD PRAY?

Can you pray too much for something? Just as we can never communicate too much with our loved ones, a person can never pray too much. Jesus pointed that out clearly in: Luke 18:1-8--"Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and...

What Does the Bible Say About … The SAMARITANS?

Where did the Samaritans come from? INTRODUCTION:In the Old Testament they were only mentioned once, as the people imported to Samaria by Sargon king of Assyria. (2 Ki.17: 27-29).PREAMBLE:Then the king of Assyria gave this order: "Have one of the priests you took...

What Does the Bible Say About … RECEIVING the HOLY SPIRIT?

I was wondering if you could give me some information on receiving the Holy Spirit? BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRITForeword:I am aware that the above topic is controversial. Some people have had unpleasant experience listening to and encountering some individuals who claim...

What Does the Bible Say About … PRAYING in the SPIRIT?

How do you pray in the Spirit? INTRODUCTION:Praying in the Spirit is a wonderful experience that comes from having a relationship with God's Holy Spirit. Praying in the Spirit makes sense when you read Jesus' words of encouragement to His followers:John 4:24 24 "God...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHY JUDAS?

Why did Jesus pick Judas as a disciple? He knew Peter would deny him. He acknowledged at the last supper one would betray him. I would like to start answering this question by asking another question: If you had known all the pain your son or daughter would have...

What Does the Bible Say About … FINDING JESUS?

Would anyone like to share with me how they found Jesus? I believe this will help me know how to be a better witness. It was a nice spring day in March, 1980, and I was attending college. A friend appeared at my door, in which I have not seen her in over 10 years. She...

What does the Bible Say About … WHEN JESUS DIED?

What day of the week did Jesus die, was it really Friday? Jesus said that He would rise from the dead three days and nights after his death - Matthew 12:40. But it is not possible to fit this period between Friday afternoon and Sunday morning. The Bible never says...

What Does the Bible Say about … JUDGING ONE ANOTHER?

Why do Christians judge each other when Jesus said not to? Preamble:I have had occasions when people try to defend their wrong action said: “Do not judge”. I sincerely hope that this questionnaire is not asking this question so that he/she would refuse to be on the...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHAT JESUS IS DOING TODAY?

What is Jesus doing in Heaven today? Is He in the most Holy place of the sanctuary HTML clipboard To find the answer to this question, we need to turn to the book of Hebrews. Heb 9:11-14 "When Christ came as high priest of the good things that are already here, he...

What Does the Bible Say About … JESUS’ NAME?

Can you explain the origin of the name Jesus if he was born a Hebrew and there is no "J" in Hebrew, Greek and Latin languages up until today? As a matter of fact, the letter "J" is the last alphabet added to our English alphabets about 400 years ago. JESUS means...

What Does the Bible Say About … JESUS’ REAL NAME?

What is Jesus' real name? Shouldn't we be using his original name rather than call Him Jesus? I am originally from Belgium and my given name was Robby.  Everybody in the old country still refers to me as Robby, but for obvious reasons I made sure that my given name...

What Does the Bible Say About … JESUS’ DIVINITY?

Was Jesus truly God? Let us find out what the Scriptures tell us about the divinity of Jesus. A. Jesus’ trial Mark 14:61-64 “But Jesus remained silent and gave no answer.  Again the high priest asked him, "Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?"  "I...

What Does the Bible Say About … JESUS’ VIRGIN BIRTH?

Why was it so important that Jesus be born of the virgin Mary? I would like to rephrase the question a little bit: why is it important that Jesus was born from a virgin? The apostle Matthew gives us an answer. Matt 1:22-23 All this took place to fulfill what the Lord...

What Does the Bible Say About … JEWELERY?

Is it not Biblical for men to wear earrings? I don’t know much of fashion and if there is a hidden meaning for men wearing earrings, but here are some biblical guidelines about clothing. The Bible does not say much about earrings. There were pieces of jewelry worn on...

What Does the Bible Say About … The JUDGMENET DAY?

If God has forgiven all of our sin, then when the Judgment Day comes, what will we be judged on? PREAMBLE:"And, as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement" Hebrews 9:27 "The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the vil and the...

What does the Bible Say About … JUDGMENTALISM?

Why are some believers so judgmental? The Return of the King On June 7, 1944, after V-day in Normandy, King Leopold the Third, King of Belgium, was deported to Germany with his family under suspicion of collaboration with the Germans. On September 8, 1944 the Belgian...

What Does the Bible Say About … BELIEVERS AND JUDGMENTALISM?

Why are some people so judgmental? The Speck of Sawdust"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there...

What does the Bible Say About … WHAT LAW TO KEEP?

How do I know what I should or shouldn't do? Is it the 10 commandments or is it something else? This is an excellent question and its answer could be used to address any of the questions concerning what one should do or should not do.First of all when we read God's...

What Does the Bible Say About … SUNDAY vs. SATURDAY?

Sunday or Saturday? Which one is the Biblical day of worship? Pro Sunday If you really want to know the truth about the Sabbath please go to and prayerfully study the evidence given there. It's not a question about which day is The...

What Does the Bible Say About … TITHES AND OFFERINGS?

What is the Bible position on tithing, giving to God's work, church funding in the New Testament? There is a lot of controversy on this.  Prayerfully consider these various answers. Preamble: Gen 14:18-20, Exo. 35:4-36; II Cor. 8:1-5.Bring ye all the tithes into the...

What Does the Bible Say About … LEGALISM?

What exactly is legalism? There is a lot of controversy on this.  Prayerfully consider these various answers. Preamble: Gen 14:18-20, Exo. 35:4-36; II Cor. 8:1-5.Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now...

What Does the Bible Say About … HOMOSEXUALITY?

Does gay and lesbians go to heaven? What does the Bible say about gay relationships, male, and female? God loves sinners but does not love sin. The same is true with homosexuals.  God loves you, no matter what others say. "For God so loved the world that he gave his...

What Does the Bible Say About … GOD’S LOVE

How much does God love me? Dying to See You!A family in Texas was facing unimaginable odds. Mom was expecting a baby in two weeks, but dad was dying. The year before he had been diagnosed with colon cancer, and although surgery and chemotherapy were considered...

What Does the Bible Say About … LOVING OTHERS?

How can I learn to love others like Jesus does? When Lives are At Stake"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13 NIV)Point Pelee's Lifesaving station in Ontario, Canada was established in 1901 as a result of the...

What Does the Bible Say About … TELLING LIES?

Is it okay for Christians to lie for goodness sake? The Bible is quite clear that lying is the native tongue of the devil. John 8:44-45 "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHETHER ALL MARRIAGES ARE OF GOD?

Are all marriages from God? I know that in Africa people can make another person (they fancy) to marry them by using love portions. What is the biblical position of such marriages? Can if you realized that you have been tricked into entering such a union be able to...

What Does the Bible Say About … SPOUSAL ABUSE?

What does the Bible say about abused and battered wives? What does one do? Marriage according to the scriptures is God’s institution. When God had created everything, he created Adam and from Adam, Eve was created.Genesis 1:27 – “So God created him in his own image,...

What Does the Bible Say About … INTER-RACIAL MARRIAGES?

Do the scriptures condemn and/or mention the subject of two people marrying that are of different skin colors? There is great news my friend, you can search your Bible from Genesis to Revelation, you will not find one single text condemning interracial marriage. On...

What Does the Bible Say About … NON-INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS?

If you are in a marriage without intimate relations, orally and passionately and have tried to remedy the problem before, with no successes what do you do? The love is there in friendship only, there is also a lot of mental anguish as well. This is a case that is...

What Does the Bible Say About … HONESTY?

Is it okay for Christians to lie for goodness sake? The Bible is quite clear that lying is the native tongue of the devil. John 8:44-45 "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not...

What Does the Bible Say About … NONSPECIFIC DIVORCE?

What is the biblical position of a wife who has been divorced by her husband for no specific reason? Christian marriage does not condone just anything as ungodly marriages do. The following are some of the things forbidden in Christian marriage:(a) Unfaithfulness to...

What does the Bible Say About … REMARRIAGE?

What does the bible say about remarriage? I know that some say there are exceptions to divorce but are there exceptions to remarriage. This question can be best answered by the Bible and the Bible alone. No commentaries are necessary, as the Bible is clear on that. a....

What Does the bible Say About … SUBMISSION IN MARRIAGE?

What does wife's submission to her husband mean according to Eph. 5:21-33 and other related scriptural passages? Should a wife submit to her husband at all times?  What if he is unreasonable?  What if he beats her?  These are crucial questions that need to find their...

What Does the Bible Say About … HOW THE MARRIAGE VOWS ARE SAID?

Can someone say their vows to one another and ask God to be their witness? Will that be justified as marriage in God's eyes? I appreciate this question. I can also hear a silent voice from the questionnaire. I hope you have not camped someone secretly without parental...

What Does the bible Say About … A WIFE’S RESPONSIBILITY?

What is the Biblical responsibility of a wife? This question is coming at a time when God is visiting homes for revival. If revival must start in a place, God will look for an individual to use. God is interested to use homes to bring forth His glory upon the earth....

What Does the Bible Say About … TITHING IN MARRIAGE?

Should a woman listen to her husband when he does not give her money for tithing? One has to do with submission to your husband and the other paying tithe, which is one of the prerequisite for blessings as contained in Scriptures. It is also important for us to look...

What Does the Bible Say About … PRAYING TO MARY?

Should we give importance to Mother Mary since she was the Mother of Jesus? Is it right if we pray to her? This is a good question, as Mary was Jesus’ mother on earth, does she have any special place in God’s plan besides raising Jesus?  The answer naturally can only...

What Does the Bible Say About … MODERN-DAY MIRACLES?

Do miracles still happen today or was this gift only reserved for Biblical days? Let us first define the word “miracle”. According the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 1981, it is: “An event that appears unexplainable by the laws of nature and so...

What Does the Bible Say About … SECULAR MUSIC?

Is listening to secular music a sin? First of all I would like to encourage you to never criticize or put down others for their actions. We do not want to be like the Pharisees in Jesus' time. Luke 18:9-14Jesus told this parable: "Two men went up to the temple to...

What Does the Bible Say About … DEMON POSSESSION?

Can a born-again Christian be possessed? Possession differing from Oppression. This question is controversial. My experience in ministering deliverance in Africa for the past 19 years or so has proved that many brethren do not want to agree with the fact that...

What Does the Bible Say About … DELIVERANCE FROM DEMONS?

How can one be delivered from demon possession? No one can deliver a person possessed by demons, except by the power of Jesus Christ! Jesus is the only one who is the deliverer!I had an experience once where God used me as His intermediary to deliver someone from...


How can you tell if someone is demon possessed? The best descriptions of someone possessed by a demon are found in the gospels.  Let us look at some of them. * Mark 5:2-5 "When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an evil spirit came from the tombs to meet him. This...

What Does the Bible Say About … SELLING YOUR SOUL?

Can one sell one's soul to the devil? HTML clipboard This may be a shock to many who will read this, but we all have sold our souls to the devil.  How?  Very simply by doing our way instead of God’s way.  It all started in the Garden of Eden. Gen 3:1-6...

What Does the Bible Say About … BELIEVING in PRAYER?

Does prayer have to be answered for people to believe in its power? You have asked a very excellent question. Each and every Christian has asked themselves and God that same question many, many times. Some have even cried out in desperation that their prayers are not...

What Does the Bible Say About … UNANSWERED PRAYER?

What if you have prayed and asked God for an answer, asked Him to help you with a particular problem, asked Him to reveal Himself to you and everything seems as if nothing has changed? Should you just keep on praying the same prayer over and over, asking for the same...

What does the Bible Say About … PRAYING FOR FINANCES?

Do you think it is wrong to ask the Lord to help you with finances? The Bible does not condemn people for praying about finances. In fact, when Jesus gave His exemplary prayer, He made sure to include this: Matt 6:9, 11 "This, then, is how you should pray:... Give us...

What Does the Bible Say About … The PROPER POSITION for PRAYER?

Is there a proper position for prayer? Not really. The Bible mentions people praying on their knees, laying flat on the ground or even standing up. Here are a few examples: 1. Praying flat on the ground: Mark 14:35-36 Going a little farther, he (Jesus) fell to the...

What Does the Bible Say About … RECOGNIZING GOD’S VOICE?

How do you know if it is God speaking to you? This question is very important to us.  As long as we Christians depend on Jesus, we have nothing to fear about being misled by the evil one. After Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, the devil was defeated:  “Gen 3:15...

What Does the Bible Say About … BECOMING A PRAYER WARRIOR?

What does it take to become a prayer warrior? Sliding to DisasterIndeed prayer does change the world, but even more so it changes me!A real prayer warrior is one who is willing to forsake his own interests and is able to love those he prays for with sacrificial...

What Does the Bible Say About … GOD’S SILENCE? Part 1

What should I do when God is silent? There are times in our prayer lives when, for whatever reason, we don't seem to hear God's voice. At those times we wonder: what am I doing wrong? Is Louis really going to be all right? Will my wayward son eventually come home?I...

What Does the Bible Say About … GOD’S SILENCE? Part 2

What should I do when God is silent? The Maori people of New Zealand had a well-kept secret: The Waitomo Caves. However, there comes a time that every secret is revealed, and it so happened that in 1887, Chief Tane Tinorau felt compelled to share this secret with Fred...

What Does the Bible Say About … GOD’S SILENCE? Conclusion

What should I do when God is silent? Finding an Octavo 1620 was a memorable year for Brazil. This is the year it officially became a Portuguese colony. To the utmost delight of the colonists, the first diamonds were discovered at the river Jequitinhonha, in the...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHY I CAN’T HEAR GOD? Part 1

Why can't I hear God? I often encounter questions similar to this: “Why can’t I hear God?” Generally those who ask these kinds of questions have been struck with adversity. They long to hear from God, but somehow they are unable to perceive His voice. They wonder if...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHY I CAN’T HEAR GOD? part 2

Why can't I hear God? Voyage to the Moon.According to Jules Verne's grand-niece, Marguerite Allotte de la Fuye, Jules had always been fascinated with travelling. This fascination caused him to stow away on a ship headed for the West Indies. At the next port, however,...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHY I CAN’T HEAR GOD? Conclusion

Why can't I hear God? Lost in Toronto There are times when we find ourselves lost in this world, and to make matters worse, we don't seem to be able to hear God's voice. In our first devotional, we discovered that sin can separate us from our loving heavenly Father....

What Does the Bible Say About … PREDESTINATION?

What is biblical concept of predestination e.g. Esau and Jacob? Is predestination real today? What is predestination? The Bible speaks of predestination in texts like these:  Eph 1:4-5,11:  “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy...

What Does the Bible Say About … PRAYING FOR ONE ANOTHER?

Why do we need to pray for one another? Prayer Stands for Power"As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by failing to pray for you." (1 Samuel 12:23a, NIV2)We live in a world of indifference. Our civilization is geared towards producing, and...

What Does the Bible Say About … The ANTICHRIST?

Would you give me your thoughts about who might be the antichrist? The word antichrist from the Greek word antichristos means “against Christ” or “instead of Christ” in the sense of someone or some power who opposes the work of Christ, signifying a person or power who...

What Does the bible Say About … The NATIONALIZATION of ISRAEL?

How does the nationalization of Israel fit into Bible prophecy, and how does it affect Christians today? Answers from our Messianic friends: Why I Chose the Path of Aliyah to Israel Many people ask why I live in Israel. It was difficult enough for some to understand...

What Does the Bible Say About … WAR at the END of TIME?

The Bible says "wars and rumors of wars". Does that mean the world will end in war? I like to compare our relationship with our Heavenly Father with our earthly parents. When I was young, my parents generally knew before I asked for anything, what my interests were...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHEN GOD SEEMS FAR AWAY?

What do you do when God seems far away from you? To answer this question, please read the three following parables:Parable of the lost sheep“Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go...

What Does the Bible Say About … EXPERIENCING GOD?

How can I best experience God in my life? In the Stillness of a SunsetMany believe that only a burning bush kind of experience will lead them closer to the God they want to serve. And such an experience would definitely alter our perspective on life, drawing us closer...

What Does the Bible Say About … The NUMBER OF RELIGIONS?

Why are there so many religions? Jesus last prayer for His followers is very touching and includes the following:John 17:11-12 "Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name-the name you gave me-so that they may be one as we are one."John 17:20-23 "My prayer is...

What Does the Bible Say About … RESTITUTION?

Why do we make restitution? Let us first find out what restitution means in the Bible. It is an act of restoring to the rightful owner something that has been taken away, stolen, lost, or surrendered. Lev 6:1-7 “The LORD said to Moses: "If anyone sins and is...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHO WILL SEE JESUS’ RETURN?

"Every eye shall see Him." Rev 1:7 Does this mean that every dead person from Adam till the coming of Jesus will be resurrected to see Jesus coming in glory, then the righteous will go meet Jesus in the air and everyone else will die? Let us compare this Bible text...

What Does the Bible Say About … JESUS’ RESURRECTION?

What proof do we have that Jesus was really resurrected? Let’s begin with some facts that even secular scholars agree on:1. After Jesus was crucified, He died and was buried in a tomb.2. Jesus’ disciples were in despair, and they went into hiding.3. Three days after...

What Does the Bible Say About … The STONE and JESUS’ TOMB?

Why was the stone rolled from Jesus' tomb? Is it possible that the stone was rolled away so that the Lord could come out?Not so. The stone was not rolled away for Him to come out. He did not have any need of that. We find, later on, in the accounts of His appearances,...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHO RAISED JESUS FROM THE DEAD?

Who raised Jesus from the dead? Is it possible that the stone was rolled away so that the Lord could come out?Not so. The stone was not rolled away for Him to come out. He did not have any need of that. We find, later on, in the accounts of His appearances, that at...

What Does the Bible Say About … The TEN COMMANDMENTS and HEAVEN?

If someone breaks one of the 10 commandments, does he or she still get through the doors of Heaven? If this were to be the case, none of us would be saved, as the Bible clearly says: Rom 3: 23 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” I haven’t yet met...

What Does the Bible Say About … EARNING HEAVEN?

Can I earn my way to Heaven? Drifting Far Away It was just a simple toy boat. Not very big, and made of red plastic. Just the kind any kid would love to play with. Somehow it found its way into the Atlantic Ocean, near Shediac, New Brunswick, and because boats are...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHY JESUS HAD TO DIE?

Why did Jesus have to die on the cross to save us from our sin? This question is the core to our salvation. Too often Christians believe that they will reach heaven because they lead a "good life". This is a belief found in almost every religious group. If you do...

What Does the Bible Say About … KNOWING YOU ARE SAVED?

Is there is a difference between believing God by faith that you are saved and knowing that you are saved? I truly feel that each and every person who professed that Jesus is Lord has asked that same question repeatedly.Imagine that your boat capsized in a lake and...

What Does the Bible Say About … The GOSPEL?

I have a question that I have been struggling with for a few years now and was hoping you can help, well my question is, "what is the gospel?" It is sad to see that the real gospel message has often been obscured and deformed by additional and unnecessary luggage from...

What Does the Bible Say About … KNOWING WE ARE SAVED?

How can we know if we belong to God? Kitch-Iti-Kipi Have you ever heard of Kitch-Iti-Kipi? Probably not, unless you travelled in Northern Michigan. It's Michigan's largest natural spring, 45 feet deep. The spring flows at a rate of more than 37,854 litters a minute,...

What Does the Bible Say About … HOW LONG SALVATION TAKES?

How long does it take for someone to accept Jesus as the Christ? Seeds of the Kingdom"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." (2 Peter...

What Does the Bible Say About … If JESUS is TRULY the MESSIAH?

Is Jesus truly the Messiah? It's amazing how many people are eager to predict your life. While still a young teenager I received two predictions, one from my hairdresser, the other from my English high school teacher. Neither of them were very flattering!My...

What Does the Bible Say About … LOSING YOUR SALVATION?

Can someone lose their salvation? If yes, how, and if no, why? The apostle John wrote us a wonderful promise from God: John 3:16-17 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."Does...

What Does the Bible Say About … The SECURITY of SALVATION?

In Hebrews 6:1-6; Is this passage talking about possibly losing your salvation? How do you explain and interpret this passage in light of eternal security? Let us first read the concerned text: Heb 6:4-6 “It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who...

What Does the Bible Say About … REPENTANCE and SALVATION?

Is repentance toward God an absolutely essential element to receive salvation or is faith alone in our Lord Jesus Christ sufficient, since sometimes we hear: Repent and believe (Mark 1:15) and other times just believe? (Acts 16:31) HTML clipboard A. Definitions Before...

What Does the Bible Say About … ONCE-SAVED ALWAYS-SAVED?

Is "once-saved always-saved" Biblically correct? The apostle John wrote us a wonderful promise from God: John 3:16-17 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Does this mean...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHY JESUS SUFFERED?

Why did Jesus have to suffer like that? Opening: Isaiah 53:1-5“Who had believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?He grew up before him like a tender shot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,...

What Does the Bible Say About … CERTAINTY of SALVATION?

How can I know for sure that I am saved? I am excited by this question, because there was once a time when I didn't know if I was saved or not. Then God revealed Himself to me through His Holy Spirit, and all doubt was removed. Let me share with you what I have found...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHAT WE MUST DO to BE SAVED?

What must we do to be saved? This very question was asked by a jailer two thousand years ago. Paul and Silas had a simple response: "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved." (Acts 16:31 NIV)But what does it really mean to "believe in the Lord Jesus"?Before...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHY GOD SAVES?

Why should God let you and me into Heaven? None of us has any legal rights to heaven, for “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Rom 3:23-24. We don’t “deserve” heaven, and nothing we can do can change that. It is only through the blood of our Savior...

What Does the Bible Say About … EVIDENCE of SATAN’S EXISTENCE?

What evidence do we have that Satan exists? The physical evidence of Satan’s existence is quite clear on this planet: death, sin, broken marriages, illnesses, murders, theft… To not believe in the existence of the devil on this planet is like walking in a forest and...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHY GOD CREATED LUCIFER?

God is all knowing and perfect in every way. So why did God create Lucifer when he knew that it would in in a third of the angels trying to go against Him? I think of Jeremiah 29:11 " For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace...

What Does the Bible Say About … ORIGINAL SIN?

Please explain the Lucifer uprising. Where, when and how did sin originate? There are 3 main Scriptures referring to Lucifer’s uprising. Let us look at them and see what they have to say about that uprising. A. Ezek 28:12-17 “You were the model of perfection, full of...

What does the Bible Say About … SELF-DEFENSE?

Is it okay for Christians to strike back in self-defense? First, here's a relevant Scripture: Matthew 5:38 "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' 39 But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. But if any one strikes you on...

What Does the Bible Say About … MASTURBATION?

What does God say about masturbation? *First of all sex is a gift given from God to married people for their mutual enjoyment. Proverbs 5:18-19: "Let your manhood be a blessing; rejoice in the wife of your youth. Let her charms and tender embrace satisfy you. Let her...

What Does the bible Say About … MASTERBATION and SIN?

Is masturbation a sin? First of all, the word masturbation is not found in the Bible. But I must say one thing that even though the word is not in print, it does not mean that we have the legal right to do so.We live in a no-shame culture. I grew up in a world where...

What Does the Bible Say About … The ORIGIN of SICKNESS?

Does Satan cause sickness? All throughout the Bible there is mention that the devil can be the cause of our diseases.  Please remember though that there are other causes as well. For more information on that subject please visit our site at: Where does sickness come...

What Does the Bible Say About … The NAKEDNESS of ADAM and EVE?

Were Adam and Eve "Afraid" of their nakedness after their sin? a. The reason This is an interesting question, especially since both Adam and Eve felt no shame of being naked before they sinned. Gen 2:25 “The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no...

What Does the Bible Say About … ANOREXIA?

Is anorexia a sin? From what I understand, "Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which a person refuses to maintain a healthy weight for his or her age and height. It is a self-imposed starvation resulting from a distorted body image. The individual typically...

What Does the Bible Say About … DAYDREAMING?

Is it a sin to daydream, or dream for better things? The dictionary defines daydreaming as "day-dream noun", A dreaming or imagining of pleasant events; the making of unreal plans etc while awake.I cannot imagine where this question could have originated, for it has...


Do Christians sin? As we entered the little church called l'Église de la Madeleine in Geneva, Switzerland, we noticed how spotlessly clean it was. Three rows of pews were set in perfect symmetry, and at the front, on the altar lay an opened Bible with a large candle...

What Does the Bible Say About … LIVING FREE OF SIN?

Does Romans 7:14-24 mean that as a Christian I am unable to lead a victorious life free of sin? Excellent question!  First of all let us make sure to not base our whole theology on one Bible verse.  If you have ten verses and one seems to contradict the other 9, don’t...

What Does the Bible Say About … SINNING FREELY?

Can one freely sin after one has accepted Christ into one's life? Excellent question!  Are those who preach we can freely sin after Jesus’ grace has entered someone’s life correct?  Let us see what the Scriptures, God’s Word say about that. First of all, what was...

What Does the Bible Say About … OVERCOMING SIN?

How can I overcome sin? I believe the person who asked this question really wanted to know if it was possible to overcome an addiction. The answer is clear and is to be found in the Bible: Matt 10:1 He called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to...

What Does the Bible Say About … The UNPARDONABLE SIN?

What is the unpardonable sin? I hope and pray that none of you will be offended by what I am about to say.  It is something that God has been laying very heavily upon my heart for the past few days.  I have tried to ignore it, but it will not go away . . .  Please...

What Does the bible Say About … LEARNING to SPEAK in TONGUES?

How can I learn to speak in tongues? The gift of tongues is a gift from God’s Holy Spirit, which permits you to communicate with God. 1 Cor 14:2 "For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God.  Indeed, no one understands him; he utters...

What Does the Bible Say About … MODERN-DAY SPEAKING in TONGUES?

Is speaking in tongues a biblical concept for today? First of all let us read the following texts: Gen 11:9 “That is why it was called Babel--because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole...

What Does the bible Say About … ONLY for BELIEVERS?

I Corinthians 14:22 it talks about tongues being a sign, not to those who believe but to unbeliever, but prophesy is for a sign not to unbelievers but to those who believe. Further down it says that if an unbeliever walks into the church and everyone is speaking in...

What Does the bible Say About … SUICIDE AND SALVATION?

What does the bible say about a person who commits suicide, will he/she be saved? So many people ask about this question—people who have lost a loved one to suicide, others who are contemplating suicide. They search the Bible to find the answer to their question, but...

What Does the Bible Say About … SUICIDE and HELL?

Do Christians who commit suicide automatically go to hell? We should rephrase this question and ask is there eternal salvation possible according to God’s Word to those who commit suicide? Let us look at all Biblical instances where people have committed suicide. Judg...

What Does the bible Say About … TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS? Part 2

As a youth leader, I get a lot of questions, but one that has really puzzled me is the following: Are tattoos and body piercings wrong? It is so good to see that you are a youth leader. That my friend is a very difficult ministry in the Lord, but it also the most...

What Does the bible Say About … TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS? Part 1

Are tattoos and piercings okay? First of all may I caution anyone not to criticize others for dressing differently than us. The Bible is very explicit about that. Rom 14:10 You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? The...

What Does the bible Say About … TESTING the SPIRITS?

How do we test the spirits? The Bible warns us 1 John 4:1 "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." NIVToo often we forget that we live in a spiritual...

What Does the Bible Say About … The SALVATION of ISRAEL?

What does Rom 11:26 "And so all Israel will be saved" mean? The apostle Paul had a big burden towards his fellow countrymen. Rom 10:1 “Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved.” NIV However the fact remains that many...

What Does the Bible Say About … 1 COR. 7:36?

What does the bible mean in 1 Cor. 7:36 "If anyone thinks he is acting improperly toward the virgin he is engaged to, and if she is getting along in years and he feels he ought to marry, he should do as he wants. He is not sinning. They should get married." God’s plan...

What Does the Bible Say About … CAIN’S SPOUSE?

Who did Cain marry? Many new Christians and Bible searchers have often pondered on the Book of Genesis. What did Adam and Eve do when they left the Garden of Eden? Why did Cain kill Abel? Who did Cain and Abel marry? Where did all the people in the beginning come...

What Does the bible Say About … BEING DOUBLE-MINDED?

What is a double-minded man? We find the term "double-minded" first in the book of Psalms:Ps 119:113 "I hate double-minded men, but I love your law." NIVDavid seems to contrast double-minded men with the law from God.James is the one who will refer to "double-minded"...

What Does the Bible Say About … MATTHEW 17:11-13?

Matthew 17:11,12,13 "Jesus replied, " To be sure Elijah comes and will restore all things. 12. But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but have done to him everything they wished. In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at...

What Does the Bible Say About … IRNI at the TOP of JESUS’ CROSS?

What do the letters IRNI mean at the top of Jesus' cross? John 19 "1Then Pilate had Jesus flogged with a lead-tipped whip. 2The soldiers made a crown of long, sharp thorns and put it on his head, and they put a royal purple robe on him. 3"Hail! King of the Jews!" they...

What Does the Bible Say About … HEBREWS 10:30?

What does Hebrews 10:30 mean? "The Lord will judge his people." Aren’t we saved by grace? HTML clipboard First of all, we are saved solely by grace.  The apostle Paul confirms this: Eph 2:8-9 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not...

What Does the Bible Say About … MATTHEW 23:8-10?

What is the meaning of Matthew 23:8-10? "But you are not to be called `Rabbi,' for you have only one Master and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth `father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. Nor are you to be called `teacher,' for you...

What Does the Bible Say About … MATTHEW 27:51-53?

In Matthew 27:51-53 it speaks of bodies of holy people being raised to life. Could you explain the significance of this, in light of Jesus being the first fruit and he had not been resurrected yet. What happened to these people? Did they die again? Let us first...

What Does the Bible Say About … PROVERBS 11:30?

What is the meaning of Proverbs 11:30a: The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life"? Proverbs 11:30a "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life", a powerful proverbial statement of King Solomon means a lot to me and anyone who is a right standing believer in...

What Does the Bible Say About … MATTHEW 5:29-30?

What does Matt 5:29-30 mean concerning gouging out one's right eye? HTML clipboard Let us read first  Matt 5:29-30 “If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away.  It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole...

What Does the bible Say About … 1 SAMUEL 16:14?

What do you think about 1 Samuel 16:14? In my bible it says that God sent an evil spirit to trouble King Saul. 1 Sam 16:14 "Now the Spirit of the LORD had departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD tormented him." When Saul became king of Israel, God's...

What Does the Bible Say About … COLOSSIANS 2:16-17?

What does Colossians 2:16-17 mean? "Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in...

What Does the Bible Say About … SUBMISSION IN THE NEW TESTAMENT?

What does the New Testament teach us about submission? In a world where authorities are constantly questioned and where rebellion constantly opposes those in charge, this question couldn't be more appropriate.People are tired with the corruption and lies from leading...

What Does the Bible Say About… WHEN JESUS WAS BORN?

Why do we say Jesus is born in the winter on December 25th? The answer can be easily found in any encyclopaedia. Let’s read together what you can find about the origin of Christmas in the encyclopaedia Britannica: “Christmas (from Old English Cristes maesse, "Christ's...

What Does the Bible Say About … The PURPOSE of TRIALS?

Why do bad things happen to good people? I would like to quote Philip Yancee's in his book "The Jesus I Never Knew" to answer this question.   "As a child, I saw the miracles as guarantees of personal safety. Did not Jesus promise," ... not one will fall to the ground...

What Does the Bible Say About … The PROSPERITY of the WICKED?

Why does it seem that people who do wrong prosper and those who try to do good never seem to receive as many blessings (financial)? SCRIPTURE BASIS FOR THE QUESTION:Psalm 73:1-8 "Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. But as for me, my feet had...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHY GOD PERMITS TRIALS?

Does God permit wars? Famines? Plagues? If so, why? The problem of suffering has been often debated through the centuries.  We have a hard time understanding this with our finite minds.  Instead of debating it now, let us look at the Scriptures and see what they have...

What Does the Bible Say About … GOD BEING 3-IN-1?

Is the Trinity mentioned in the Bible? How can there be three in one? Before we go into the Trinity of God, we need to have clear understanding of the Unity of God in the Scriptural sense. The Hebrew Word for one in such scriptures as Dt 6:4-6; Mal. 2:10 is a compound...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHO WE CAN TRUST?

Who can I really trust? Collusion Ahead!Who can we truly trust in life? In my younger days I believed I could always rely on my family. They had always been there for me to give me comfort when I was ridiculed at school because of my coke-bottled glasses and the fact...

What Does the Bible Say About … WHO IS TRULY TRUSTWORTHY?

Who can I trust? Crime Against the Crown"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God." (Ps 20:7, NIV2)How many of us have been disillusioned by those who we truly thought were friends. Have you ever experienced something...

What Does the Bible Say About … The DEFINITION of TRUTH?

What is truth? What is the truth?  It is not a church, it is not a doctrine.  The truth is a person. John 14:6:  “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” Jesus is the embodiment of God's Word. John...

What Does the Bible Say About … TRUTH? Part 1

What is Truth? In this technologically-advanced world, we find ourselves often mystified by the amount of knowledge available to us. We thought that computers would simplify our lives and lessen our burden of work. How wrong we were! Now we have become specialists of...

What Does the Bible Say About … TRUTH? Part 2

What is truth? A Hole of ThunderIt was Sunday, August 23, 2009. A fierce Hurricane, Hurricane Bill, pounded the coast of Mount Desert Island, in the state of Maine. Despite the inclement conditions, tourists came in droves to hear the resounding BOOMS that...

What Does the Bible Say About … TRUTH? Part 3

What is truth? This Way!In this world where confusion reigns, we can easily get lost. Even more so if we rely on our own understanding, as more often than not, what we will be facing won't make any sense anyway!"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on...

What Does the Bible Say About … TRUTH? Conclusion

What is truth? Pemaquid Point. What is Truth? Part 4We were searching for Whaleback Shell Midden in Maine, a dump from earlier times consisting of thrown-away shells, bones, broken ceramic pots, and stone tools. It was mentioned in our tour book, but none of the...

What Does the Bible Say About … GOD’S WILL?

How do I know the will of God for my life? This is a question that plagues most sincere Christians at one time or another. It isn’t an easy question to answer, for the answers are complex. I will try to outline a few truths, however, that have proven very helpful to...

What Does the Bible Say About … OBTAINING WISDOM?

How Can I obtain Wisdom? Ladders Over Barbed-Wire FencesSo often I encounter people who covet wisdom! With their heads bowed down into their hands, they wonder if there will ever be a solution to the impasse they are facing.We all go through tough times like these,...

What Does the Bible Say About … PEOPLE SEEING CHRIST IN ME?

How can I let people see Christ in me? The Faithful WitnessAre you pondering whether or not you are making a difference in this world? Do you find yourself often discouraged and at times shocked about your lack of zeal? Has this question ever haunted the recesses of...

What Does the Bible Say About … FINDING JOY in OUR JOBS?

How can I find joy in my job? The Selfless Teacher “And work with a smile on your face, always keeping in mind that no matter who happens to be giving the orders, you're really serving God.” (Eph 6:7, The Message)It’s hard when our boss sounds like a grizzly bear....

What Does the bible Say About … SPEAKING in TONGUES?

If we believe in "laying on of hands and they shall recover", do we also believe in "speaking in new tongues", and "they shall take up serpents"? HTML clipboard Certainly! The reference is to Mark chapter 16 specifically. Some Bibles have a note that says that these...

What Does the Bible Say About … SAMSON and FORGIVENESS?

Was Samson forgiven of his many failures? Samson started on the right track, accomplishing great things with God's power. But he dabbled with danger, playing games with Delilah that led to his downfall. Finally he repented and God restored his strength - though it...

What Does the Bible Say About … SIGNS of JESUS’ SECOND COMING?

What will be the signs of Jesus' second coming and the end of the age (Matthew 24:3b)? We often hear people talk about the signs of the end of the age. Even when we take the time to read Matthew 24, where this question was asked, we notice there are many signs...

What Does the Bible Say About … HALLOWEEN?

Should Christians celebrate Halloween? Halloween is a tradition in North America that happens on the last evening of October. Children disguise themselves, going door to door, asking for candy and playing tricks on people.Preamble: Some people may not know the...

Yvonne Cardoso

Title: Prayer WarriorFavorite Bible Verse: "No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. this is the Heritage of the Servant of the Lord and their righteousness is from me says the Lord." (Isaiah...

Claudia Pennisi

Title: Prayer WarriorFavorite Bible Verse: "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Phil 4:6-7) "He will not be afraid of evil tidings, his heart is steadfast trusting in the Lord." (Psalm...