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Bible Questions: Bible

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What Does the Bible Say About … The BEST ENGLISH BIBLE VERSION?

Which English Bible Version is the Best? Before answering this question it is important for us to give a brief introduction to the Bible, which is the Word of Life.The Word “Bible comes from the Greek word for “book”. The Bible is a library of 66 books written by...

What Does the Bible Say About … THE BIBLE AND THE BOOK OF JOB?

Is the book of Job a legend? Or did the events prescribed in that book really happen? Why would God need to test Job? Why should Almighty God have to prove anything to Satan? Surely God was aware of the response this faithful servant would give! Any why should Satan...

What Does the Bible Say About … THE BIBLE AND THE APOCRYPHA?

Are the deutero-canonical books or apocrypha (Tobit, Judith, 1 and 2 Macabees, Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus (or Sirach) and Baruch) part of the Old Testament canon? Some Christian denominations believe these books are part of the Old Testament canon (a book...

What Does the Bible Say About … The KING JAMES VERSION?

Should we rely solely on the King James Version or are other Bible versions as authoritive as the King James? I am sorry that the answer is a bit long. We felt we had to be thorough in answering this question.A current movement among Christians proclaims the King...

What Does the Bible Say About … The NEW KING JAMES BIBLE?

Does the New King James Version differ from other translations? King James VersionThe King James Version (KJV) of the Bible gets its name from King James I of England. Back in 1605 he commissioned a new translation of the Bible into English so that the Word of God...

What Does the Bible Say About… PAUL?

How much authority can we give the writings of the Apostle Paul when all the other apostles saw him as an extremist? First of all we need to discover how the other apostles reacted towards Paul's preaching. A good example of this can be found in: Acts 15:1-3"Some men...

What Does the Bible Say About … The ORIGINAL BIBLE TEXTS?

Can we find the true meaning of Bible texts if we rely solely on English translations and not on the original Hebraic and Greek languages of the Old and New Testaments? The original Bible was written in Hebrew and Aramaic (Old Testament) and in Greek (New...


Can the Bible be trusted? The Bible is either true, or it is a forgery. It is either God's Word or the deceptive words of mere men. There is no alternative. I will try to briefly answer this question and share with you why I am convinced beyond a doubt that the Bible...

What Does the Bible Say About … THE TWO TESTIMENTS IN THE BIBLE?

Why are there two Testiments in the Bible? The Bible consists of two parts: The Old Testament, and the New Testament.Why?This is best explained in the book of Hebrews:"In the case of a will, it is necessary to prove the death of the one who made it, because a will is...

What Does the Bible Say About … The PURPOSE OF THE NEW TESTAMENT?

What was the authors' purpose for writing the New Testament gospels and epistles? And were they reliable sources? We will subdivide today's study in 3 subdivisions:a. Purpose of writing the gospelsb. Purpose of writing the epistlesc. Reliability of the New Testament...