For those who:
- Needs encouragement
- Have prayer requests
- Desire to get closer to God.
- Desire for prayer association for your ministry

lighthouse (Peggy's Cove, east coast Canada).
Bible Resources
Lord, Teach Us to Pray!

LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY! introduction

"One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples." (Luke 11:1)Why would anyone say: "Lord, teach us to pray"? Aren’t prayers easy to say? You recite them in...

LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY! PART 2: Prayer Is Necessary!

Prayer, for Jesus, wasn’t a few memorized words that He said before he went to bed. No. For Jesus, prayer was a necessity. It was an attitude. It was the very air he breathed. One day, a boy stood watching a holy man praying on the banks of a river in India. When the...

LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY! Part 3: Prayer Is Perfectly Natural!

Prayer was never an act of self-discipline or duty for Jesus. Nobody had to force Him to prayer, and because He saw prayer as a necessity, it came perfectly natural for Him. The following texts give a few examples of how natural it was for Jesus to give thanks through...


If prayer is necessary and natural, and if prayer gives us victory over self-sufficiency, then why do we struggle? Why are we always "busy" when a prayer meeting is coming up? Why do we reserve prayer for the occasional emergency, and for the few, quick words before...