For those who:
- Needs encouragement
- Have prayer requests
- Desire to get closer to God.
- Desire for prayer association for your ministry

lighthouse (Peggy's Cove, east coast Canada).

Encouraging Messages from God’s Word

Contact Us to share a Devotional

About … Adversity

Looking for tips on how to face adversity?                                                                ...

About … Being a Christian

Being a Christian isn't always easy...                                                                ...

About … Being Alive in Christ

Shouldn't life in Christ make us feel ... Alive?                                                              ...

About … The Bible

Is the Bible a puzzle? Can it be believed at all?                                                              ...

About … Brokenness

Feeling Broken? Like nothing can mend you?                                                                ...

About … Children of God

If this is what we are, why do we live as orphans?                                                              ...

About … Control

We know control isn't right, but how can we change?                                                              ...

About … Emptiness

Feeling like nothing fills the void in your life?                                                              ...

About … Experiencing God

Just how does one experiencing God?                                                                  ...

About … Faith

Does your faith need a boost?                                                                    ...

About … Fear

What do we do with our fear?                                                                    ...

About … Forgiveness

Having trouble believing you are forgiven?                                                                ...

About … Grace

Need some help understanding God's Grace?                                                                ...

About … Healing

Does God still heal? Then why doesn't He heal ... me?                                                            ...

About … Holding on

Feeling like you are hanging by a thread? God knows!                                                            ...

About … The Holy Spirit

What about God's sweet Spirit?                                                                    ...

About … Hope

Hope? Is there still hope in this world?                                                                ...

About … Idolatry

But ... But ... I dodn't worship idols ... Do I?                                                              ...

About … Light and Purpose

Do you lack purpose? Like your witness is hidden?                                                              ...

About … Living

What does it mean to ... truly live?                                                                  ...

About … Lord and Master

Why is letting Jesus be our Lord and master so hard?                                                            ...

About … Love

Love: We all seek it, yet so few find it...                                                                ...

About … Marriage

Why does happiness in marriage elude us?                                                                ...

About … Miracles

Why don't we still see miracles on earth?                                                                ...

About … Possessions

Just what is the truth about prosperity?                                                               ...

About … Power

How do we access the power of God?                                                                  ...

About … Praise

Why praise? Does God need it? What is it, anyway?                                                              ...

About … Prayer

Having trouble believing in the power of prayer?                                                               ...

About … Relationship

Is it even possible to have a relationship with God?                                                            ...

About … Religion

God loves religion, right? Or ... maybe not...                                                              ...

About … Resting

Why is the God-ordained rest so hard?                                                                  ...

About … Sacrifice

Sacrifice? Who would want to do ... that?                                                                ...

About … Selfishness

Selfish? Not me! Or... Maybe just a little?                                                                ...

About … Sermon on the mount

Perhaps the best sermon of all times...                                                                ...

About … Suffering

Why do we suffer, and how can we ease the pain?                                                              ...

About … Surrender

What does it mean to surrender Jesus Christ?                                                                ...

About … Temptation

Though not always be easy to avoid, there is help!                                                              ...

About … Trials

Need some tips for navigating life's trials?                                                                ...

About … Unity

Why is unity so hard to achieve?                                                                  ...

About … Victory

Stalked and surrounded, is there anyway out?                                                                ...

About … Waking Up

Has your spirit ... fallen asleep?                                                                  ...

About … Walking with God

How can you truly walk with God?                                                                  ...

About … The Workplace

Can your workplace become your mission field?                                                              ...

About … Worship

How can we know we are worshiping as we should?                                                              ...