I do have a praise report. God brought my power bill by a very unlikely source. Here is the story behind it.
I have been behind on my power bill and have been praying about it. I have not told anyone at church about this. A friends husband, who is also a friend, came over to the sound booth to talk before church Sunday. He asked how things were going and I told him fine. He then asked if my power bill had gotten paid. Now like I said before I had not told anyone my bill was due Friday. Greg told me that I had been on his heart all week. He asked how much the bill was and I told him. He just nodded and went back to where his wife was sitting. About 10 minutes later he came back. He said his wife gets paid on Friday and they wanted to pay my power bill. I was shocked to say the least. I figured they would forget about it but Thursday night Holly calls me and tells me she doesn’t get off work until 3;30 and they need to get the money to me before then so I can get my bill paid. I met them halfway between my home and theirs. She gave me a check, I put it in the bank and scheduled my bill to be paid. God is so wonderful. I told them I would pay them back as soon as I can and Greg said it wasn’t a loan, it’s a gift. So I want to encourage everyone going through things that God is still working and he still loves us. Once I gave up trying to figure it out and let God work it out, things came together without a hitch. I am now totally caught up on my power bill. Yea God!
Love you,
Kathy Keller (Received on September 21)