Up date on Carl Hayes. I asked for prayer many times over the past year for Carl.
He has trouble keeping his blood pressure normal due to low potassium. He is on medicine; but, it wasn’t doing any good. He also has surgically implanted in his chest a device that will shock Carl when his heart stops beating or his blood pressure is too low.
When the device goes off, this is very painful for Carl and leaves him in a weakened state for many, many days afterwards. So far, it saves his life each time. When his blood pressure gets very low, the device will shock his heart and Carl lives in dread of this. He lets out a piercing scream and the pain is unbearable at times. Because of this, Carl, won’t leave his house except to go to the doctors, get a haircut and to the grocery store. He doesn’t want to be around anyone should this happen. It embarrasses him and everyone wants to touch him and call for help.
Before Christmas, Carl’s blood pressure was too low and the doctors said there was nothing more they could do for him. They had tried all the medicines, vitamins, shots they knew about and still Carl was just wasting away before our eyes and he had given up.
I requested prayer for him again with your prayer group and other groups and Praise the Lord! It is a miracle! The doctor said this week after his normal check-up they couldn’t believe how much Carl had improved! His blood pressure is staying normal and he is feeling so much better!
The doctor said if he continues improving until this Spring, he can start driving again and go anywhere he wants! This is wonderful news for Carl. He gets so lonely at home by himself with few visitors. He is so thankful to all of you for praying for him. He couldn’t have made it without the Lord there by his side and he knows this! Now, he feels that he can lead a normal life again and start going to church again and to a restaurant to eat and to a movie and on vacation again. God is AWESOME!
I Praise the Lord for what He has done in Carl’s life. Praise the Lord!
Thanks, Prayer Warriors, for being there for Carl with all of your prayers. The Lord, heard Carl’s and our prayers!
Blessings and Much Love to All of You!
Janet Sue – Ohio yocproffitt1@webtv.net