Last week during church service there was a healing service. Although I did not come forward for any healing, I went up front to lay my hands and pray for those needing healing. After praying for them, pastor Youngren asked the congregation that we lay hands on one another and pray for one another. A miracle happened to my life right then. I have a poor eyesight and lately I was unable to drive at night, as I could hardly see the difference between the road and shoulder. Also lately I had to be pretty close to my computer screen to be able to read the prayer requests that were send to Answers2Prayer. That evening my night vision and my computer vision were restored. I can see again as I used to see 10 years ago. I still wear my heavy glasses, but I can drive my car again at night and can read my computer screen from far off. God is so good! Praise be the Lord! He cares for His children!
Rob Chaffart (Sunday December 9, 2001)