I have a true story about our Pastor and a Tent Revival, we were having a tent Revival in East Point Fl, and me and some of the children were handing out flyers about the Revival, and I gave this young man a flyer and invited him, and he said ok, than we drove down the road to another street, than down another road, than we stopped at the store for a drink, well there he was again, and the little girl gave him a flyer and invited him and he said ok, than we drove around again, and than we saw this same boy again and this girl with us invited him again, and I told him he could get in the van I would drive him to the revival, he had a beer in his hand, and the girl with me said first you need to put down that beer, and he did. Well come to find out he grew up in the church we were at, and had been living on the streets a few years, drinking and doing drugs, well that night he got saved, AND! I ask him to come home with us to stay a few days, till he got on his feet, that was the Lord, because I never did this before, and now he is preaching. That was five years ago, and he is still on fire for Jesus. That was GOD!!!
RealloveJesus@aol.com (Received on June 26, 2001)